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  1. #1
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    Decreaed HGH with Bedtime eating????

    Should I be eating before bed?
    I read that when you eat, insulin is produced(of course)
    what I didnt know is that insulin overpowers Growth hormone and renders it useless. In turn nightine eating = no hgh at night, which is when 70% of it is naturaly produced (70% in the first 90 min right?). Has any one heard of any thing like this.
    Or since I'm on cycle I should eat before bed no matter what?

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Good question.

  3. #3
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Ive always ate at night. when i was younger and in a lesser form I ate late night. IM now 6'5 220 and I cant see how HGH was affected in me. Who says HGH is produced at night?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    One reason why to avoid night carbs or to lower carb intake in the evening hours is to harness the bodys output of growth hormone , GH is released mostly at night upon falling asleep usually withing 30-90-mins.

    GH is a powerful stimulus for the indivdual wishing to shred fat and hold onto lean muscle mass, GH initiates a moderate shifting in fuel sources so the body burns a greater percentage of fatty acids the backbone to body fat,

    Kicking up the GH amplifies the changes that occur with hard training namely the burning of fat while preserving lean muscle mass, even the non training indivdual can benefit by reducing carbs at night, the dieters goal is to lose fat and hold onto as musch metabolic friendley muscle as possible, yet we learned by dieting can cause a loss of both body fat and muscle so anything a dieter can do to support GH release can help the save of muscle by shifting his bodys metabolism so it uses more fat and less muscle mass,

    Avoiding carbs before bed can encourage GH release as lower blood sugar levels support GH release while higher blood sugar levels block GH release, the sole exception to eating carbs at night is the indivdual who trains in the evening, he will need carbs after training to aid the rebuilding process and any carbs consumed after training will quickly pass through the blood and into muscle making new muscle glycogen, this leaves the blood with lower glucose permitting the natural GH release upon sleep.
    Last edited by marcus300; 10-24-2006 at 03:25 AM.

  5. #5
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    good post marcus, also maybe a protein based meal at night (for example shake) also boosts the GH output...but while bulking I think its more important to eat more.. I wouldnt worry about its effect on the GH levels.. or what do others think?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    good post marcus, also maybe a protein based meal at night (for example shake) also boosts the GH output...but while bulking I think its more important to eat more.. I wouldnt worry about its effect on the GH levels.. or what do others think?
    I always feed for growth but i drasticly lower my carbs at night, i try and get all my required carbs in during the day and keep with protien at night or during the night, if am in a serious bulking cycle i wouldnt bother i would just get as much as possible in, i take GH anyway so doesnt matter for me when bulking i use around 12ius throughout the day+night

  7. #7
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    if I do eat right before bed it would be protein only...such as whey or eggs. But doesnt all food produce insulin or just the carbs. I would like to lose about 4% bf during this cycle. If that means I dont grow quite as much because I'm not eating 2 hours before bed, I'm ok with it. Or would eating just protein still benifit me either at least keep the metabolism going. I would rather have as much GH relaese as possible, long and short. Let me know...thanks Marcus.

  8. #8
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Great question,thanks for bringing
    this up TampaMan.Marcus...once
    again thanks for the knowledge bro

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    if I do eat right before bed it would be protein only...such as whey or eggs. But doesnt all food produce insulin or just the carbs. I would like to lose about 4% bf during this cycle. If that means I dont grow quite as much because I'm not eating 2 hours before bed, I'm ok with it. Or would eating just protein still benifit me either at least keep the metabolism going. I would rather have as much GH relaese as possible, long and short. Let me know...thanks Marcus.
    While carbs release insulin , the sugar storing hormone, protiens both release insulin and glucagon, with glucagon being the more dominant of the two, so from a hormonal point of view you can assume carbs have a greater potential to store or stimulate the accumulation of body fat because carbs exclusively kick up insulin levels which can effect the storage of carbs as not only muscle and liver glucagon but body fat.

    Protien tends to kick up glucagon levels now the benefit of glucagon is it can off set the fat storing potential of high insulin levels and it has the potential to stimulate the fat burning cycle within the body by liberating fatty acids from fat cells,

    Also protien is calorically inferior to carbs and fats, simply because the body is less efficient in abstracting 100% of the calories from within protien foods than it is abstracting energy from carbs, when you eat 100 calories of dietary fat the body will ultimately gain access to 97 of these calories as it is efficient in breaking down the fats and using them as fuel, with carbs the body is a little less efficient, for every 100 caloires you eat the body will access roughly 88-90 of them, the other 10-12 calories are burned off breaking down the carbs, with protien the body is rather inefficent in obtaining 100% of the calories found within the protien, example when you eat protien food what yeids 200 calories reality is the body is only 80% effective in accessing all 200 calories, so the pro food containing 200calories ultimately yieds 160 calories, the other 40 calories are wasted breaking down the food, i better stop there once i start i cant stop, you have been answered tho

  10. #10
    ITALIANMAN is offline Junior Member
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    I have 2 cups egg whites 1 scoop caeisen protein and sleep like baby

  11. #11
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Also protien is calorically inferior to carbs and fats, simply because the body is less efficient in abstracting 100% of the calories from within protien foods than it is abstracting energy from carbs, when you eat 100 calories of dietary fat the body will ultimately gain access to 97 of these calories as it is efficient in breaking down the fats and using them as fuel, with carbs the body is a little less efficient, for every 100 caloires you eat the body will access roughly 88-90 of them, the other 10-12 calories are burned off breaking down the carbs, with protien the body is rather inefficent in obtaining 100% of the calories found within the protien, example when you eat protien food what yeids 200 calories reality is the body is only 80% effective in accessing all 200 calories, so the pro food containing 200calories ultimately yieds 160 calories, the other 40 calories are wasted breaking down the food, i better stop there once i start i cant stop, you have been answered tho
    good info but where do u get this part? I have never bumped into anything like this in class or in other studies concerning metabolism? Not saying it isnt so, just havent seen it anywhere on a credible source... do u mean the calories that are spent in the metabolization of the proteins takes up more energy thus yielding in less gross calories?

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    good info but where do u get this part? I have never bumped into anything like this in class or in other studies concerning metabolism? Not saying it isnt so, just havent seen it anywhere on a credible source... do u mean the calories that are spent in the metabolization of the proteins takes up more energy thus yielding in less gross calories?
    If you check out indepth nutrition books they cover this subject, example would be Chris Aceto books, excellent read, if you read my example it does explain that with fats,carbs and pro some of the calories are burnt breaking down the foods, all have different % of how much they burn,

  13. #13
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Avoid eating or drinking anything but water 1 hr before or after gh. I do
    2 hours. Many posters say OK for protien. I would suggest am and afternoon injections. Let your own body work at night for free.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Avoid eating or drinking anything but water 1 hr before or after gh. I do
    2 hours. Many posters say OK for protien. I would suggest am and afternoon injections. Let your own body work at night for free.
    I think he was taking about his natural growth hormone release UFa.

  15. #15
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Moving to GH section
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  16. #16
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Avoiding carbs before bed can encourage GH release as lower blood sugar levels support GH release while higher blood sugar levels block GH release, the sole exception to eating carbs at night is the indivdual who trains in the evening, he will need carbs after training to aid the rebuilding process and any carbs consumed after training will quickly pass through the blood and into muscle making new muscle glycogen, this leaves the blood with lower glucose permitting the natural GH release upon sleep.
    Good explanation Marcus...

  17. #17
    TampaMan is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2006
    Thanks again Marcus, good info.

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