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Thread: Important Gh question: much needed input!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Important Gh question: much needed input!

    OK guys, basically ive been running IGF for the last 1-2 months and have the funds now to cycle it the rest of the heres the kicker, (bad luck i know) but i have a benign tumor near my scapula about the size of a golf ball, now---after reading Redbarons HGH protocol and info i saw that people with tumors probably should not use GH unless its monitored by a doctor...with the funds im spending on IGF i could certainly drop the IGF and just switch to GH...the question is should i? is it that big of a risk etc? and if so, how costly would it be to get regular x-rays monitoring the tumor size? thanks guys


  2. #2
    It's too bad that what you read didn't include the information that tumor growth which may be increased by hGH use, is more likely than not caused by the IGF release initiated by hGH.

    If hGH will cause you a problem, then it's more than likely that IGF will cause you problems too.b

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anthony thanks for the reply man, yea i just talked to a competitor that stated that IGF will cause problems also, i stopped taking the IGF as well, im not worried, it doesnt slow me down...ive known about it for a while, i plan to get it removed next summer then let the GH begin lol!! yea for now, all is going great, im doing a lean bulk now so ill just stick to gear at this point...and a strict diet too...CD

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