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  1. #1
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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    Preparing for HGH Cycle

    Hey guys,

    Some of you may remember me from the past. Been away for awhile. ANYWAY, I was prepared to start a basic Test E/Dece/Anadrol cycle a few weeks back, but had to put it on hold for some personal reasons. In the meantime I have been investigating HGH and think I want to ad that to my next cycyle which I plan on starting in are my questions:

    1.) As I said above, I already have Test E/Deca /Anadrol ready to go. So I assume that once I peak out at 4IU ed, I should start my anabolics? Should I not include the deca and anandrol and just do the Test E?

    2.) I only have enough $$ to do about 3-4 monts on the it worth it? I have read that you have to do it for at least 6 mths but other places say you can do it for 3 mths. I have even read you can do a SUPER high dose for just a month?

    3.) My main goal with the HGH is to tighten up and lose fat. As some of you may remember from my past posts, I used to be very overweight years ago and still have some of that stubborn fat hangin around. I was hoping the HGH would help me minimize that once and for all.

    4.) Do I have to run IGF with my HGH? Or can I do it without?

    Thanks for any help you can provide. I have read so many posts on HGH my head is spinning and some of the info contradicts others. So I figured I'd just ask my questions straight up.


  2. #2
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    if you aint got the $$$ to run a proper lenght of hgh cycle then i would advice to forget the whole thing and go for lr3 igf-1 wich can be run for 4-5 weeks during your cycle and another 4-5 weeks while doing pct. this will save you some $$$ and gives more result then a too short hgh cycle.

    i think that a test/deca /drol/igf cycle will def bring some decent gains in terms of lbm and some fatloss.


  3. #3
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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    So would you recommend that I have to do at least 6mths on HGH?

    Damn how do you guys afford it...LOL

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    if you aint got the $$$ to run a proper lenght of hgh cycle then i would advice to forget the whole thing and go for lr3 igf-1 wich can be run for 4-5 weeks during your cycle and another 4-5 weeks while doing pct. this will save you some $$$ and gives more result then a too short hgh cycle.

    i think that a test/deca /drol/igf cycle will def bring some decent gains in terms of lbm and some fatloss.

    I agree, sound advice.

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002

    So would you recommend that I have to do at least 6mths on HGH?

    Damn how do you guys afford it...LOL
    Yes, you should be 3months into GH before starting GH. Gotta save buddy and get a good source.

  6. #6
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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    Huh...that doesnt make sense? You have to be in GH 3 months before you start....huh? If Im 3 months I, that means I already started?

  7. #7
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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    Is IGF something that can be purchased from AR-Research? Also was wondering about the 2mg hGH PROTEIN PEPTIDE FRAGMENT 177-191? What is that all about? How do you dose it and inject it?

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002
    Huh...that doesnt make sense? You have to be in GH 3 months before you start....huh? If Im 3 months I, that means I already started?
    3 months of GH before you Start AAS. Better?

  9. #9
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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    I got ya now...

  10. #10
    BiggerBri2002's Avatar
    BiggerBri2002 is offline Senior Member
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