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  1. #1
    gettnthere is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Final Questions Before starting GH/IGF

    I am planning to start a Jin/LR3 IGF-1 cycle very soon but have a few questions I need to get out of the way...

    1-Are there any supplements,vitamins, etc. that I should be taking to protect anything naturally in my body?I think Ive read rodge say to take a few things with a gh/igf run like this, cant find his post though

    2-I have read a post w/ a study that says intense cardio while on GH may be a bad thing because of heart growth???. While I dont do intense long distance running, I run alot of stadiums/stairs,sprints,agility stuff..Anyone try to lay off intense cardio when on GH/IGF?

    3-Is bloodwork expensive?I posted about what to ask the doc for and no one responded so I guess ill just wing it when i get in there. I would like to get it b4 i start

    4-Plan on taking the Jin 5/2 at 4 or 5 a.m. and going back to bed for a couple hours,then breakfast cuz no carbs hour before or after.IGF postworkout, workout days only.Sound right?

    Thanks guys, whatever you answer is cool,own me flame me whatever, I just want to do it right

    Oh stats, 6'5 220 10% bf if not less, 23 yo..I am set on doing this cycle so, with all due respect, please just help me do it right, not tell me Im too young.I dont think I have the same objectives as a BB like u guys, so just answering the questions above would be very helpful...AAS is not an option and money is not an issue.Thanks
    Last edited by gettnthere; 10-31-2006 at 12:54 PM.

  2. #2
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2004
    i always take ala/cromium and cinnamon with my hgh to increase insulin sensetivety.

    my cardio always gets easyer when on hgh but if its bad for the heart, i don't know. i would say thats it aint worse then lifting weights.


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