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  1. #1
    pimpdawgin's Avatar
    pimpdawgin is offline Associate Member
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    2 Basic IGF-1 LR3 Questions

    I have searched high and low, and would like definitive answers concerning the following:
    1. What is the ideal way to reconstitute IGF-1 LR3?
    2. How should eating (carbs, proteins, etc.) be timed in relation to injecting IGF-1 LR3?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    if its need to be reconstituted then i would use AA or Sodium Chloride. but mostly when you buy the lr3 its delivered with it,should be when using a respected source imo.

    depending on your goals but i feel that a high protein intake is a must. carbs can be adjusted to how you feel and goals.


  3. #3
    pimpdawgin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    if its need to be reconstituted then i would use AA or Sodium Chloride. but mostly when you buy the lr3 its delivered with it,should be when using a respected source imo.

    depending on your goals but i feel that a high protein intake is a must. carbs can be adjusted to how you feel and goals.

    Yeah, I've heard that protein intake must be kept high, BUT what about timing the eating. With GH, for example, I know it should be taken upon waking up (to minimize negative feedback on your endogenous secretion) and you can't eat until maybe 1.5 hours after injecting. DOes anything similar apply to IGF-1 LR3? I know it should be injected Post Work Out. But what else? Subcutaneous or Intramuscular?

  4. #4
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimpdawgin
    Yeah, I've heard that protein intake must be kept high, BUT what about timing the eating. With GH, for example, I know it should be taken upon waking up (to minimize negative feedback on your endogenous secretion) and you can't eat until maybe 1.5 hours after injecting. DOes anything similar apply to IGF-1 LR3? I know it should be injected Post Work Out. But what else? Subcutaneous or Intramuscular?
    I shoot it IM post workout. It is possible to go a bit hypo with it, nothing like slin but can still happen so be sure to have your PWO shake with your dex or if you dont do that than just have your PWO meal and make sure there are carbs in it.

  5. #5
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    As already mentioned, the best way to reconstitute your LR3 IGF-1 is in 100mM Acetic Acid solution. That is going to give the peptide the optimal environment to give you everything it has to offer.

    As far as injections are concerned, since we are injecting an acetic substance with the 100mM Acetic Acid, the best way to go is to inject in IM. Injecting repeatedly subQ with an acetic substance, you are going to end up causing a skin irritation that can last for as long as a couple of weeks. Injecting IM will avoid that. The LR3 will be absorbed without any problem either way. LR3 is active long enough that injection time isn't terribly critical. I will typically inject 100mcgs either pre or post workout.

    As far as eating patterns go, LR3 isn't going to present the same challenges as HGH. In general, what I would do is to keep your protein intake up by eating 5-7 meals a day, eat some good quality complex carbs (amount depending on your overall diet plan - I really can get away with 150 or so while on LR3 so radical amounts of carbs not necessary), and take in some healthy fats (olive oil, avacado, almonds, etc.). As a general rule, I avoid simple carbs while on LR3. While it won't effect everyone in the same fashion, the chain of events following simple carbs can be - increase in sugar, so increase in insulin - increase in insulin at the same time as LR3 is making me more sensititve to its effects = overcompensation and possible hypo. When using complex carbs you get a nice even burn without a great jump in endogenous insulin production - so for those inclined to react that way - a much smaller chance of going hypo.

    Other than that, you should be on target for some great muscle fullness, intense pumps, and leaning out while holding your muscle tissue. Best of luck.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 11-11-2006 at 04:30 PM.

  6. #6
    pimpdawgin's Avatar
    pimpdawgin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    As already mentioned, the best way to reconstitute your LR3 IGF-1 is in 100mM Acetic Acid solution. That is going to give the peptide the optimal environment to give you everything it has to offer.

    As far as injections are concerned, since we are injecting an acetic substance with the 100mM Acetic Acid, the best way to go is to inject in IM. Injecting repeatedly subQ with an acetic substance, you are going to end up causing a skin irritation that can last for as long as a couple of weeks. Injecting IM will avoid that. The LR3 will be absorbed without any problem either way. LR3 is active long enough that injection time isn't terribly critical. I will typically inject 100mcgs either pre or post workout.

    As far as eating patterns go, LR3 isn't going to present the same challenges as HGH. In general, what I would do is to keep your protein intake up by eating 5-7 meals a day, eat some good quality complex carbs (amount depending on your overall diet plan - I really can get away with 150 or so while on LR3 so radical amounts of carbs not necessary), and take in some healthy fats (olive oil, avacado, almonds, etc.). As a general rule, I avoid simple carbs while on LR3. While it won't effect everyone in the same fashion, the chain of events following simple carbs can be - increase in sugar, so increase in insulin - increase in insulin at the same time as LR3 is making me more sensititve to its effects = overcompensation and possible hypo. When using complex carbs you get a nice even burn without a great jump in endogenous insulin production - so for those inclined to react that way - a much smaller chance of going hypo.

    Other than that, you should be on target for some great muscle fullness, intense pumps, and leaning out while holding your muscle tissue. Best of luck.
    -Is there anywhere I can buy 100mM Acetic Acid. I don't know and I don't really want to be making it it myself.
    -AR-R 's IGF-1 comes with 10mL's of NaCl (?). This isn't Acetic Acid. What are youy supposed to do with this stuff?
    -Do I reconstitute the entire 1000mcg (1mg) in the vial at once and just refrigerate in between uses.
    I'm sorry for all the stupid questions, but I don't want to mess anything up.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by pimpdawgin
    -Is there anywhere I can buy 100mM Acetic Acid. I don't know and I don't really want to be making it it myself.
    -AR-R 's IGF-1 comes with 10mL's of NaCl (?). This isn't Acetic Acid. What are youy supposed to do with this stuff?
    -Do I reconstitute the entire 1000mcg (1mg) in the vial at once and just refrigerate in between uses.
    I'm sorry for all the stupid questions, but I don't want to mess anything up.
    I know there are some research outfits that sell Acetic Acid, but what I have seen widely available is 25% and 10% solutions. In really simplified terms, what you are wanting is 0.6% Acetic Acid, and 99.4% deionized sterile water to come close to the ballpark.

    The NaCl that is included in the kits is to draw up into the syringe to cut the LR3 so it doesn't sting quite so bad, and so that you will have a better chance of getting every last drop out of the syringe. It isn't for the actual reconstitution, and it is an entirely different animal than AA.

    You do reconstitute you whole 1mg vial of LR3 at once with 100mM Acetic Acid solution (~ 0.6% concentration of AA), then draw out what you need each day and store the rest.

    Hope that helps some. The only stupid question in my book is the ones that you are afraid to ask because of fear of sounding uninformed. Everyone has to start out somewhere. Best of luck to you.

  8. #8
    pimpdawgin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    I know there are some research outfits that sell Acetic Acid, but what I have seen widely available is 25% and 10% solutions. In really simplified terms, what you are wanting is 0.6% Acetic Acid, and 99.4% deionized sterile water to come close to the ballpark.

    The NaCl that is included in the kits is to draw up into the syringe to cut the LR3 so it doesn't sting quite so bad, and so that you will have a better chance of getting every last drop out of the syringe. It isn't for the actual reconstitution, and it is an entirely different animal than AA.

    You do reconstitute you whole 1mg vial of LR3 at once with 100mM Acetic Acid solution (~ 0.6% concentration of AA), then draw out what you need each day and store the rest.

    Hope that helps some. The only stupid question in my book is the ones that you are afraid to ask because of fear of sounding uninformed. Everyone has to start out somewhere. Best of luck to you.
    OK, thanks for the explanation.
    I believe you posted this (someone reposted it) regarding how to arrive at that final 0.6% (100mM) Acetic Acid:
    Reconstituting IGF-1 with white vinegar

    I have noticed several posts lately wondering about a good method for reconstituting IGF-1 and a few posts about using vinegar/water to do so. I originally wrote this post at ****************, but since there seems to be a reasonable interest here as well, I will post it for those that might be interested.

    I began using this method many months ago mainly out of impatience. I was out of Benzyl Alcohol, and while I had access to HCl, it wasn't accessible when I wanted to begin my IGF-1 LR3 cycle. I decided to use plain ol' grocery store Distilled White Vinegar. I used the following, which has worked out really well for me....and the feedback I have had from others that I have shared it with has been positive so far. So here it is for anyone that is interested:

    The calculation:
    Distilled white vinegar is supposed to be standardized to ~5% acetic acid, which would make it 850mM. To get it to the recommended 100mM, you'd want 11.76% white vinegar (100mM/850mM = 11.76%). Since it would be almost impossible to draw out 11.76IU's, I round this to 12, which is certainly going to be close to our desired 100mM.

    The filtering process:
    I use off the shelf grocery store distilled white vinegar. In order to ensure safety, I filter it using .20u whatman filters. Here is the step by step for those that may not be familiar with filtering using whatmans. What you will want to have on hand before starting out is some sterile vials, some .20u whatman filters, some syringes and needles (I use a 10cc syringe, and .23 gauge 1" needles), and some alcohol swabs.

    (1) First draw up about 10cc of the distilled white vinegar
    (2) screw on the .20u whatman to the 10cc syringe (or whatever size you use)
    (3) screw on a .23 gauge needle (or whatever size you decide to use)
    (4) take your sterile vial, swab the top with alcohol, insert a needle for venting.
    (5) Insert your syringe/whatman/needle apparatus and slowly push the 10cc's into the sterile vial.

    Now you have safe vinegar to use for your reconstituting.


    How much water/vinegar you reconstitute with is going to somewhat depend on which IGF-1 LR3 you are using. Igtropin is shipped in 100mcg vials, which I usually reconstitute at 1ml(cc) per 100mcg vial. The gropep based IGF-1's are primarily shipped in 1mg vials, and I usually use 3ml - 5mls for these. At any rate, what I do is:

    (1) take an alcohol swab and swab the tops of my water, vinegar solution, and IGF-1 vials
    (2) take a 3cc syringe with a 23 gauge, 1" needle and draw out .12 cc's of vinegar for the 100mcg vials or .36 cc's(if 3ml) - .60cc's(if 5ml) for the 1mg vials.
    (3) next I take this syringe and draw out the water - .88cc's for 100mcg, 2.64cc's(if 3ml) to 4.4cc's(if 5ml) for the 1mg.
    *****I realize that I can't get this kind of precision, but I get it as close as possible******
    (4) next i poke the needle into the IGF-1 LR3 vial and dribble this solution down the side of the vial, avoid any direct spray on the lyophilized powder until all of the dilutent is in the vial
    (5) using a gentle swirling motion, I reconstitute the powder.
    (6) I stick the vial in the fridge and it is now ready for use.

    Well, I think that about sums it up. Hope this helps some people who have maybe been wondering about using vinegar to reconstitute. I would advise that if you end up using Igtropin, you avoid using BA....use this vinegar method for sure. Igtropin and BA do not get along well together at all.


    Sorry to keep asking, but can you elaborate on how to use the NaCl for making the injection less painful (i.e. how much NaCl, what concentration, method).

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