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Thread: HGH question

  1. #1
    justaguy31 is offline New Member
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    HGH question

    Hi guys,

    I am 31 year old male. Been working out for about 10 years 6'2 225lb 15%BF. I have done one cycle of winstrol by itself 4 years ago. I did my research on hgh and decided that I am going to do a 3 month cycle at 3iu's/day. The product that I have is from "gensci".
    My goal is to lean out to maybe 8-10%bf. I know that AS can help me with this, and this approach would be cheaper however with AS comes hair loss and mood swings etc and I would rather not take that route.
    I am thinking about splitting up the injections 1.5 iu in the morning and 1.5 iu before going to bed, is this right? Is 3iu sufficient enough? Should I cycle in clen or cytomel ,l if so when would I do this? What about B6 and B12 shots?
    Is it ok to do cardio 5 days a week or would I be burning muscle? My goal is not to become a monster but to really lean down. Any feedback is really appreciated. Thanks for your help!!!

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hard Head
    You are an idiot.

    Do some more research.

    Winny only, what are you stupid? GH only for fat loss @ 3iu's for 3 months? OK you must be.

    Good way to welcome a new member Hard Head. Ia m sure you knew all the answers before you came to this board.
    No need to bash a new guy for his past mistakes!!

    That being said: Welcome to AR

    Your choice in just using HGH is not the best. you will barely see any results from it at 3ius/day for ONLY 3 months. Three months is usually just the starting point to see results. I would run HGH at no less than 6 months 5 on 2 off . The 3 Ius is a base dose to start with, but I would build up that dose over time to about 5-6 ius a day.

    There is an HGH forum here that may help you better and give you some more answers. Check it out to help you with injection times. there are several ways to do it. I take mine very early in the morning than again early to late afternoon.

    More than anything, Diet and training, are the keys to gettign the results you want. If they are not corrected for your goals, then neither AAS or HGH will magically give you the results you are looking for, so make sure you have them in check!!

  3. #3
    MorganKane is offline Associate Member
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    2-4 iu is a pretty common dosage for fat loss. Run it 5 day on and 2 off to save some money but you should run it for 6 months minimum.
    Add some T3 (or T4), I use 12.5 to 25mg ed when using GH.

    Its recommend not to inject to close to bed time. I inject first thing in the morning, wait as close to an hour before I eat breakfast. Then I inject when I get back from work and wait close to an hour before I eat. Injecting close to bed time might supress your natural production.

    If you could do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach you should see some great result.

    Cardio will do much more for you then the HGH.

  4. #4
    justaguy31 is offline New Member
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    Mr Hard Head,

    I did winstrol 4 years ago by itself for 6 weeks. I gained 10lb of muscle. It was my first and only cycle after taking my body to its limits naturally. As far as gh goes, I want to take it for general health reason such as strengthening connective tissue, tendons, and cartilages and not only fat loss. Unless you have something positive to say.....shut the **** up!

  5. #5
    justaguy31 is offline New Member
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    sorry guys but that just came out

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justaguy31
    sorry guys but that just came out

    OK, but now that its out, lets return to helping and not bashing....LOLOL

    If you just want to use HGH for general well baing, then 3-4 ius shoudl be fine, but still shoudl run it a minimum for 6-months. I am on month 7 with 2 more to go and started at 2iu/day and worked my way up to 6ius.

  7. #7
    justaguy31 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for those answers. Much appreciated. I am glad not all are "hard" headed. Cheers....

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Hard Head, this is the second time I am asking you to play nice. If you can't then the board will ask you to leave. Nothing was said against you so there is no need to continue with your current attitude! you have been reported!!

  9. #9
    Jay-Ace's Avatar
    Jay-Ace is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hard Head

    If this is what you came up from your research, you need to rethink your a. ability to research, b. ability to comprehend that research. You want to waste your dough and compromise your health, go for it, don't say I didn't warn you. You won't get shit from 3iu of gh for 3 months only, nothing, nada. Uh, something positive, OK, you are positively in over your head and need to wake up before you hurt yourself.

    3 months @ 3IU/ED will do something, but probably not noticable from the outside. Internally though the increased HGH will be starting to weave its web of age reversal etc!!

  10. #10
    Hard Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace
    3 months @ 3IU/ED will do something, but probably not noticable from the outside. Internally though the increased HGH will be starting to weave its web of age reversal etc!!
    You are of course correct.

  11. #11
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hard Head
    I'm not here to play. Someone needs to give these kids a wake up call. If his research said 3 iu for 3 months will help fat loss, well then I seriously believe there is a problem. This guy should not be messing around with stuff that could potentially change his life or kill him. Who in their right mind takes GH without a cancer screen? If you have an active neoplasia, taking GH is like throwing gasoline on a fire.

    You don't like that I am fvcking concerned and don't want to see people get hurt? Tough shit, ban me then.

    When I came here I knew NOTHING, which is why I read everything I could for a year, before I made any posts at all. I still am learning, but I know enough to see when someone is not being responsible for his own health.

    Showing concern and giving sound advice is one thing, BUT we do NOT condone childish name calling........he is a new member, and the first post to him is YOU calling him an idiot. Gee, makes me want to stick around and learn......

  12. #12
    justaguy31 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your help and the positive feedback!

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