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  1. #1
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    HGH....whats up?

    I started an AAS cycle and HGH at the same time on July 17. I just finished PCT and am still currently running the GH. I started @ 3IU and have just increased it last week to 4IU. My HRT rep keeps asking me how the GH is going and asking me if i feel "unbelievable". I dont, I dont feel any different than before I started. I must say that I did get a good noticeable fat reduction in the tummy area but other than that I really havnt seen anything in the muscle department or over all feeling of well being. He had me up to 4IU and am giving that a shot. My diet is in check, my pct went great. I just feel its way too much money from what I see. Ive been running in now 5/2 for 4 months. I have about 2 months left and I dont think I'll do anymore.
    Am I doing something wrong? Should I add something to it? any ideas?

  2. #2
    InfinitiM45 is offline Banned
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    Nov 2006
    your stats??? If your young 3-4 IU aint gonna do much from what i've read. The more experience can shime in on this.

  3. #3
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    My stats:
    35 Yrs old
    Training for 18 years.

  4. #4
    InfinitiM45 is offline Banned
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    Nov 2006
    The only thing i can think off you got some fake hgh?? You get your gear from a reliable source??

  5. #5
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
    100%NATURAL-theGH is offline Senior Member
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    Effects are usually subtle. Are your joints better? Does your muscle shape look better? Is your recovery good? Was your GH properly refrigerated as lypholized powder? If you answer yes to all of these then it's good and you just need more for size gains.. In my opinion you need 5IU to even notice size gains... 6-8IU would be optimal if you want to see a difference from it. Really your better off using IGF for size gains... Good Luck.

  6. #6
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfinitiM45
    The only thing i can think off you got some fake hgh?? You get your gear from a reliable source??
    Yes its real.....From an HRT company, Its Somatropin from Signature Pharmacy.

  7. #7
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    You are using "anti-aging" HGH doses, not BB doses, so judging compared to AAS it would not be "worth it". At best, think of it giving you something a bit closer to an 18yo metabolism - pushing you away from being fat (though plenty of 18yos are fat, so it is just a nudge), some healing, thickening of skin, better recovery, better protein metabolism.

  8. #8
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys, all good input. I'll finish what I have but I dont think I'll use it anymore. To do a higher dosage would be nice but would also be cost prohibited.

  9. #9
    rodge's Avatar
    rodge is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    at age 35 you should def notice something from 3iu. i can even notice when i'm on 2iu and i am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy younger, 32


  10. #10
    vermin's Avatar
    vermin is offline Member
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    Rodge, we are not all as fine-tuned as you! Yes, there is an effect, but it may be lost in the "noise" of less than perfect diet, sleep habits, higher BF, etc.

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