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  1. #1
    pontyboy is offline Junior Member
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    Hgh Injection Timings

    what time of the day is it best to inject hgh

  2. #2
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    Sometime between 4-5 hours after you initially fell asleep up to first thing in the morning when you wake up ... that is going to cause the least amount of disruption to your normal body functions that trigger your pituitary to release HGH.

  3. #3
    Microbrew's Avatar
    Microbrew is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Sometime between 4-5 hours after you initially fell asleep up to first thing in the morning when you wake up ... that is going to cause the least amount of disruption to your normal body functions that trigger your pituitary to release HGH.

    I've work at night so I get to sleep around 6am and up at 2pm and hit the gym around 3:30pm and pin my HGH PWO. Would it be ok and pin 4ius when I get up at 2pm and eat my oatmeal and protein shake at 2:30pm. I've been trying not to eat any carbs or sugars around my HGH shot, because I usually mix dextrose with my Isopure after I workout, but now I can't use any dextrose to help bring up my low glucose levels because I pin PWO. I thought the best time to do HGH was PWO, but that just screws up my whole PWO shake. I thought the best thing to do PWO was drink a shake with protein and carbs to restore everything and the nutrients go to the right places. You just can't do that when pinning HGH PWO.

    With my schedule this has been the biggest problem since I started HGH. I was told to pick up some R-ALA and Biotin and take that with my PWO shake so I drink my protein and carbs at the sametime and still pin my HGH.

    Any suggestions


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microbrew
    I've work at night so I get to sleep around 6am and up at 2pm and hit the gym around 3:30pm and pin my HGH PWO. Would it be ok and pin 4ius when I get up at 2pm and eat my oatmeal and protein shake at 2:30pm. I've been trying not to eat any carbs or sugars around my HGH shot, because I usually mix dextrose with my Isopure after I workout, but now I can't use any dextrose to help bring up my low glucose levels because I pin PWO. I thought the best time to do HGH was PWO, but that just screws up my whole PWO shake. I thought the best thing to do PWO was drink a shake with protein and carbs to restore everything and the nutrients go to the right places. You just can't do that when pinning HGH PWO.

    With my schedule this has been the biggest problem since I started HGH. I was told to pick up some R-ALA and Biotin and take that with my PWO shake so I drink my protein and carbs at the sametime and still pin my HGH.

    Any suggestions

    From the looks of it, if you were to consider injecting pre-workout at about 3:30, then you would be an hour to an hour and a half out from breakfast, and also an hour to hour and a half away from your post workout shake. That would probably work out just fine for you.

    As far as adding r-ALA and the like, it certainly wouldn't hurt if you would like to. If your blood glucose levels are on the rise or elevated above the comfort zone, then I would certainly consider it.

  5. #5
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    I personally take advantage of what lifting has to offer (GH release) and do not inject GH pre-workout. I get up at 2 am and take a shot, 1 scoop of protein, half a multi, 500mg of C (for added anti-catabolic effects) and this has actually worked extremely well in a short amount of time with low doses (as I'm building up my doses for the next 3-6 months before a cycle).

    It is absolutely best to take GH in 2 iu intervals...I will be taking 2 iu at 2 am and 2 iu at 4:30am in the future as I'm up pretty early.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. There is a reason why your body releases the most GH while you are sleep. The recuperative processes the GH exhibit are shown best when the metabolism is much slower (like when asleep). This is another very good reason to inject in the middle, but after your natural spike in GH, of your sleep. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    I personally take advantage of what lifting has to offer (GH release) and do not inject GH pre-workout.
    It really depends on the nature of your workout.

    It is true enough that REALLY intense, SHORT workouts will trigger an impressive release of HGH (think a 30-40 minute heavy leg day workout where you are about to hurl). The longer the workout goes though, it really is a detriment and not good for HGH. I have seen some people leisurely workout for 1 1/2 - 2 hours, putter around on the cardio equipment and the like - that is definitely NOT going to result in any additional HGH ... it is going to cost you some most likely.

    In general, if your workout is running an hour plus and isn't really high intensity, low rep, heavy-heavy weight, then you aren't really impressing your pituitary much. If you are lifting so heavy that you are on the verge of puking the whole 30-40 minutes, you're getting an extra unit or so from it. Since few of us hit it that hard more than a day or two a week (if even that for many), injecting HGH pre-workout isn't usually a huge thing for most people. Given the scenario listed above, it seems like the best course of action all things considered.

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