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  1. #1
    bearpaw992000's Avatar
    bearpaw992000 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005

    igf-lr3 need to make sure this is right

    ok this is what I have 1MG igf, 2 ml's acetic acid and sodium chloride and my pins r 1cc 29 g x1/2 iu's. now this is what I got from a guy on another board and I just want to make sure this is right before I mix it up I don't want to F--k it up.

    (below is the post from the other site)
    Well I'm not sure how your pin is marked either iu's or mcgs.
    I assume that your acetic acid is 2 ml's so you need to inject all the acetic acid into you bottle of IGF-1 (it is 1mg right?) so that gives you a mixture of .5mg or 500mcg per ml of solution. that breaks down to 5mcg of IGF per 1iu on your pin so if you want 50mcg you would draw up 10iu's..
    The sodium chloride is just to dilute the IGF-1 so it doesen't hurt. I personaly draw up my 5iu's out of the IGF-1 bottle then draw out 25 iu's of the water and their is no pain after the inital stick.
    Last edited by bearpaw992000; 01-28-2007 at 10:56 PM.

  2. #2
    BoleBiff is offline New Member
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    Oct 2006
    Q: What is the difference between a cc, a ml, an I.U., a mg and a mcg?
    A: A cc (cubic centimeter) is equal to a ml (milliliter). They measure volume. For example if a vial contains 10 ml of liquid, that is the same as 10 ccs. A mg (milligram) measures the dose of a drug, A mg is equal to 1/1000 of a gram. A mcg (microgram) is equal to 1/1000 of milligram. An IU (International Unit) is also used to measure the dose of a preparation.

  3. #3
    bearpaw992000's Avatar
    bearpaw992000 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    thanks BoleBiff

    Thanks for the reply yeah I know What is the difference between a cc, a ml, an I.U., a mg and a mcg? the question I had was on the mixing of the IGF the part after I say I don't want to F--k it up. that is the response I got from a guy on another board and I wanted to know if the mix was right.

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