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Thread: Blood Glucose test before and after HGH

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Blood Glucose test before and after HGH

    Ok I wanted to see how much HGH made my BG go up so I bought a BG monitor today. I got up and just ate 2 yogurts because I didnt have much to get to the store. When I don't eat enough or wait to long inbetween meals I start to go Hypo alittle. So by the time I got home and got the kits together I start to get the Hypo feels.

    Took my BG before hgh shot and it was 44 which is below normal, but this is because of not eating enough. Should of did it twice just to make sure reading was correct.

    Took 3ius Hygetropin HGH and 10mins later took another BG reading, this time came up at 62 and I still haven't eaten yet.

    Took another test 15mins later and now it's 86

    Another 10 mins later now it says 71, took it again just to make sure I didn't srew up and it's 73.

    I'll try again another time, have to get ready for work


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    That is interesting info...good stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Got home from work alittle early so I decide to try alittle test just for the hell of it.

    Last time I ate was at 1am, got home at 2:45am and took my BG 72, ate some Chicken Salad and had a protein shake that was 25g protein/50g carbs (Dextrose). Finished that at 3:10am, I took my BG 4x each time to get an average, I'll also put my highest BG reading and lowest at the times I took it.

    3:25am BG 133 (Highest 144 Lowest 123)
    3:40am BG 143 (Highest 153 Lowest 134)
    4:10am BG 75 (Highest 84 Lowest 65) Took 6 readings that time.
    4:30am BG 75

    The chicken salad had no carbs in it and the protein drink was Micellar Casein and Dextrose from TrueProtein, so 50g's of Dextrose made my blood sugar double in 1/2hr and back to normal in another 1/2hr.

    When I get a chance next time I'm going to take my reading when I wake up, eat my breakfast wait 1/2hr take another reading, wait another 1/2hr take another reading and HGH shot. After HGH shot I'll take readings every 15mins for 1hr or so.

    Last edited by Microbrew; 01-29-2007 at 03:26 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ok got up at 2pm today took my BG 73 ate some breakfast oatmeal and protein shake.

    3:35pm BG 92

    Took HGH at 3:35 also and at 3:50 BG 78.
    4:05 BG 68

    Worked out took it again 5:15 68 still

    Drinking I serving of Isopure 50g pr and 25g carbs, just finished shake 5:45

    6:05 BG 82

    I guess the HGH did nothing to my blood sugar this time, maybe because I had food in my stomach. I'll try again another time.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Nice to see someone actually testing things out. Interested to see what else you find.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kind of through me off the HGH lowering my BG this time


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    hgh shouldn't raise your BS by itself. You would have had to eat something. hgh makes you insulin resistant. So the isulin you make doesn't work as well. But with out taking in any food there isn't a reason you BS should go up. Also 44 for a non-diabetic is extremely low.

    I'm also i diabetic and take hgh. So i monitor it a lot.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    hgh shouldn't raise your BS by itself. You would have had to eat something. hgh makes you insulin resistant. So the isulin you make doesn't work as well. But with out taking in any food there isn't a reason you BS should go up. Also 44 for a non-diabetic is extremely low.

    I'm also i diabetic and take hgh. So i monitor it a lot.
    The 44 reading was because of just eating acouple of yogurts and by the time I got home from the store and everything I start to get the hypo feelings that I usually get when I don't eat enough and wait to long to eat again. I knew my reading was going to be low, I still didnt eat and took my HGH shot and doubled my BG just from that.

    I just had some blood work done couple wks ago and my glucose serum was 84 and the last 2yrs it was 87 and 78

    Last edited by Microbrew; 01-30-2007 at 02:50 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    hgh shouldn't raise your BS by itself. You would have had to eat something. hgh makes you insulin resistant. So the isulin you make doesn't work as well. But with out taking in any food there isn't a reason you BS should go up. Also 44 for a non-diabetic is extremely low.

    I'm also i diabetic and take hgh. So i monitor it a lot.
    This is what I thought when I first started reading about HGH and Insulin but wasn't sure.

    So if I would of taken my HGH round the time I did that test with the 50g's of carbs when it doubled my BG to 144, with the HGH it would of probably went up to even 200?

    I'm also in from Jersey, South.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ok this explains why the other day at the gym I started to feel like I was having Hypo symptons and had to drink a carbo force just to finish my workout.

    I ate my breakfast today Oatmeal and Protein shake no carbs in the shake just oatmeal. About 20mins later took my BG 90, 5minutes later took 2ius HGH shot, I took 2ius instead of 3ius because I never took my hgh that close to a meal with carbs. That was at 5:05

    5:25 20mins after HGH shot: took BG 3x 56,62,59
    5:40 BG 56,52,52

    Starting to feel Hypo, hands shaking, dizzy.

    5:50 BG 56
    6:05 BG 60

    Ok could someone please explain why my blood sugar goes down or I'm I just getting insulin resistance mixed up. I'm thinking it would get higher not lower, I don't understand. But at least I understand why when I first started taking HGH I wasn't feeling right.

    Thanks Micro

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ok one last test before I hit the gym

    6:20 BG66 starting to go up and I ran out of test strips, LOL


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ok, had to drink some CarboForce at the gym, just didn't feel right. Got done at 8pm and had them make me a myoplex so I could go to the store and pick up some more test strips.

    9:05 took BG 3x 113, 105 and 110, so that is probably from the CarboForce which is 100g's carbs and Myoplex. I'll take it again in another hr and see what it reads.

    I've been on Hygentropin for alittle over 2wks now, was doing 4ius but dropped it to 3ius, I did 2ius today. I know it's earl to actually see or feel anything yet since it's so early. I've had a bone spur in my shoulder for over 2yrs now and just work around it and to tell you the truth my shoulder feels about 95% now and my pumps at the gym are still really good, I was only taking 250mg Cyp for the last month and just yesturday I started Dbol, Sus and NPP which I will only run for 5wks because I'm going on a vacation for 1wk and after I get back I'm going to come off over all aas and just keep doing the HGH and maybe a cycle of IGF.

    Last edited by Microbrew; 01-30-2007 at 11:03 PM.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2002
    I only know alittle about insulin and that's one of the reason I stay away from it. And I do know that taking insulin will lower your blood sugar, I really don't know how much it lowers it.

    My blood sugar does everything right when I eat carbs and don't eat enough food, until I take my hgh shot. You would think I'm injecting myself with Insulin instead of hgh by the way my BG test are coming out. This is really starting to bother me.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It's 10pm now and I'm starting to feel hypo again, one reason is because I need to eat some solid food which I'm going to do now.

    10:05pm 2 reading 42 and 45. I knew that it would be really low just by the way I feel.

    I'm drinking a gatorade and eating come dried mango and a breakfast bar since it will take sometime for me to cook my chicken and all.

    10:10 85
    10:11 96
    10:12 109
    10:13 100
    10:20 100

    10:50 122

    Looks like it leveled off now I'll take it again in a 1/2 hr.
    Gatorade and dried mangos did the trick :-)

    But I have notice since taking HGH that I get hungry alot sooner inbetween meals then usually.

    Last edited by Microbrew; 01-30-2007 at 09:36 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    Here is the thing with HGH. The HGH itself causes all of your cells to be resistant to the effects of insulin for a window after the injection. That being the case, your body isn't in a very good spot to reduce your blood glucose levels if you eat a bunch of carbs or if your liver dumps a bunch of glucose around that window of time.

    The flip-side of this though is that HGH will act on the liver, and the liver in turn will secrete some IGF-1. That presence of IGF-1 will have the effect of lowering your blood-sugar through its own action and the fact that it has somewhat of an affinity for insulin receptors, and it will increase sensitivity to insulin.

    In everyone the balance of these two actions acts differently. In many folks (self included) you will have to really watch your carb intake around injection time to avoid some soaring blood glucose numbers and a nice case of insulin resistance over time. In other folks, your blood glucose levels never soar ... in fact you fight hypo due to the action of HGH on the liver and the big secretion of IGF-1 from same. Still others seem to fall somewhere in the middle.

    From what I am seeing from the numbers you are posting right now, it seems that your numbers naturally fall to the low-side of normal. While I certainly wouldn't OD on sugars around the time of your HGH injections, it doesn't seem like HGH is acting on you in a manner over the course of the whole day that elevated BG levels is going to be a huge issue. I would just continue to spot check yourself ... but I don't think you have anything to worry about at this point.

    The other thing you may want to do is pump up the servings of complex carbs. That even burn over a longer time should help keep your numbers out of the hypo range.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Here is the thing with HGH. The HGH itself causes all of your cells to be resistant to the effects of insulin for a window after the injection. That being the case, your body isn't in a very good spot to reduce your blood glucose levels if you eat a bunch of carbs or if your liver dumps a bunch of glucose around that window of time.

    The flip-side of this though is that HGH will act on the liver, and the liver in turn will secrete some IGF-1. That presence of IGF-1 will have the effect of lowering your blood-sugar through its own action and the fact that it has somewhat of an affinity for insulin receptors, and it will increase sensitivity to insulin.

    In everyone the balance of these two actions acts differently. In many folks (self included) you will have to really watch your carb intake around injection time to avoid some soaring blood glucose numbers and a nice case of insulin resistance over time. In other folks, your blood glucose levels never soar ... in fact you fight hypo due to the action of HGH on the liver and the big secretion of IGF-1 from same. Still others seem to fall somewhere in the middle.

    From what I am seeing from the numbers you are posting right now, it seems that your numbers naturally fall to the low-side of normal. While I certainly wouldn't OD on sugars around the time of your HGH injections, it doesn't seem like HGH is acting on you in a manner over the course of the whole day that elevated BG levels is going to be a huge issue. I would just continue to spot check yourself ... but I don't think you have anything to worry about at this point.

    The other thing you may want to do is pump up the servings of complex carbs. That even burn over a longer time should help keep your numbers out of the hypo range.
    Maybe I should do my HGH alittle sooner then I have been doing after eating before going to the gym. I've been waiting 1hr to do HGH after I eat my breakfast. Or should I just do my shot PWO and have a PWO shake without the dextrose? Because doing the shot preworkout is making me to have to drink a Carb drink while I workout.

    Thanks alot RB


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Here is the thing with HGH. The HGH itself causes all of your cells to be resistant to the effects of insulin for a window after the injection. That being the case, your body isn't in a very good spot to reduce your blood glucose levels if you eat a bunch of carbs or if your liver dumps a bunch of glucose around that window of time.

    The flip-side of this though is that HGH will act on the liver, and the liver in turn will secrete some IGF-1. That presence of IGF-1 will have the effect of lowering your blood-sugar through its own action and the fact that it has somewhat of an affinity for insulin receptors, and it will increase sensitivity to insulin.

    In everyone the balance of these two actions acts differently. In many folks (self included) you will have to really watch your carb intake around injection time to avoid some soaring blood glucose numbers and a nice case of insulin resistance over time. In other folks, your blood glucose levels never soar ... in fact you fight hypo due to the action of HGH on the liver and the big secretion of IGF-1 from same. Still others seem to fall somewhere in the middle.

    From what I am seeing from the numbers you are posting right now, it seems that your numbers naturally fall to the low-side of normal. While I certainly wouldn't OD on sugars around the time of your HGH injections, it doesn't seem like HGH is acting on you in a manner over the course of the whole day that elevated BG levels is going to be a huge issue. I would just continue to spot check yourself ... but I don't think you have anything to worry about at this point.

    The other thing you may want to do is pump up the servings of complex carbs. That even burn over a longer time should help keep your numbers out of the hypo range.

    This sounds like what happened to a guy I know. He was taking only 4IU/day and told me he felt so bad that he could barely get out of bed. I guess he ended up missing weeks of work too. Once he got off the GH, it took him awhile to overcome those sides too. I think I remember him saying it messed up his blood glucose.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Another thing I really notice now is the affect that pasta has on me. My stomach gets so bloated, tight and I get alot of gas and my sinus's get stuffed up around and I get alot of pressure in my head.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The pasta last night kept my blood sugar at in the 130's for over 3hrs and made me feel like shit, which pasta has never done to me.

    Took my BG when I woke up 78 ate some Oatmeal and protein shake BG 110 took my 2ius HGH 1/2 hr later BG 74. I will go down lower in probably 20 mins or so and cause me to go hypo. So it looks like I have to eat Carbs around my HGH shot , instead of avoiding cards like everyone else.


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