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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    HGH effects without any AAS?

    I've decided to do HGH year-round cause of all it's health benefits. However, I've heard from a couple people that without any AAS, the HGH on it's own will do very little. Now, though I'm planning on doing cycles still, I'd rather not add in TRT between cycles unless it's really necessary (at 29, i think i'm a bit young to start TRT, but certainly not too young to start HGH). So, can anyone tell me if it will seriously have that much of an impact on the effects of the HGH by not taking AAS at a TRT dose between cycles or not?

    Reason I'm asking is because first I just figured I'd do the TRT between cycles. However, many have told me that would supress my own test production quite dramatically and would be very unfavorable unless absolutely necessary due to low test levels. I had thought the use of Arimidex and HCG used along with TRT would keep that from happening, but seems like I might have been wrong.

    Also, will HGH on it's own increase sex drive and if so, how significantly? Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    jdavis2007's Avatar
    jdavis2007 is offline Associate Member
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    I would aire on the side of caution and NOT do anything in between cycles except non-androgenic drugs like clen /slin/IGF/MGF but I would not do test, deca , etc. even at low doses in between your major cycles. Yes, your times without drugs and GH will not be as 'mindblowing' but you will in the end progress further with some time off to clear your receptors and let your body achieve homeostasis.

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