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Thread: Igf before aas or during

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Igf before aas or during

    Heres part of my grand plan. I want to bring up bis, tris, delts. I will only pin these body parts and none others. I will pin 20-30 mcgs each side immediately after workout. The question is should I start my igf with my aas or do my igf for 4-5 weeks before my aas starts. Or should I start igf 2-3 weeks before aas but also continue the igf so it overlaps with the first weeks of my aas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    how long is your cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I want to do my first short (4-6 weeks) heavy cycle. I have been reading that igf has its effects long after you use it because of it creating more satelitle and muscle cells. My thinking is that I will do 4-6 weeks of Igf create all those satelite/muscle cells in my muscles and then blow them up with some mean ass ass cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    cycle is 4 weeks
    igf (5 weeks) week 2-6

    cycle is 5 weeks
    igf (5 weeks) week 3-7

    cycle is 6 weeks
    igf (5 weeks) week 4-8

    igf has proven itself to me as a staple to my pct's, so i would pretty much start it so you can run it 5 weeks total and end 2 weeks after last shown above

    (ive assumed your cycle is short esters)

    at least thats what i would do

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That looks great thanks!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    From my reading, the best use for IGF is after the cycle along with PCT. 20mcg is plenty per site unless shooting quads, then you can use 30mcg. EOD injection is best, from my readings, 3x per week, cause of receptor downregulation.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I would definitely advise 3-4x a week PWO after your big, grueling workouts is the way to go. It's very affordable this way and probably the most effective dosing protocal for this drug.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I am getting 2mg of igf. Here is my training split along with a proposed pinning schedule. Just a rough draft

    Day 1: Bis, tris....20mcg/site 80mcg
    Day 2: Legs..........0mcg/site 0mcg
    Day 3 Shoulders.....25mcg/site 50mcg
    Day 4: Off
    Day 5: Back.........20mcg/site 40mcg only in bis
    Day 6: Chest........20mcg/site 40mcg only tris
    Day 7: off

    This totals 210mcg/week. How long can I run IGF? Any suggestions. Is pinning only my delts, bis, tris a bad idea?

    And yes I am pinning directly pwo
    Last edited by rodosman; 02-09-2007 at 08:35 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I pin every muscle with the igf. I like to spread the wealth
    I read you dont want to hit the wheels. Try it just in the calves then on leg day.
    I have read that guys run the igf 4-5 weeks on 4-5 weeks off. Read back and do a search on this forum and you will get alot of feedback about this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by rodosman
    I am getting 2mg of igf. Here is my training split along with a proposed pinning schedule. Just a rough draft

    Day 1: Bis, tris....20mcg/site 80mcg
    Day 2: Legs..........0mcg/site 0mcg
    Day 3 Shoulders.....25mcg/site 50mcg
    Day 4: Off
    Day 5: Back.........20mcg/site 40mcg only in bis
    Day 6: Chest........20mcg/site 40mcg only tris
    Day 7: off

    This totals 210mcg/week. How long can I run IGF? Any suggestions. Is pinning only my delts, bis, tris a bad idea?

    And yes I am pinning directly pwo
    you can run igf a total of 4-5 weeks with the same time off....5on 5off 5on...

    210mcg/week is a good total...i shoot 40mcg, 5x a week = 200mcg

    i have found no proof in localized growth from pinning the worked out cut down on injections, i would pin just one muscle PWO and i would defintely not skip out on leg day...after a grueling squat day, you should pin a delt or something...whatever muscle is worked out will have the most available igf receptors, and lr3 will travel to them regardless of injection site

    no problem at all in sticking to delts,bis,tris...those are key lcoations with this skin, best for insulin pin injections

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