I am going to run this cycle:
1-5 weeks
GH 4IU 4 times a week PWO
IGF-1 50mcg 4 times a week PWO
Sustanol 500mg x week
T3 daily
6-9 weeks
i will stop IGF and go ahead with GH for other 4 weeks..
10-15 weeks
GH 4IU 4 times a week PWO
IGF-1 50mcg 4 times a week PWO
deca/ sust/masteron
sustanol 500 x week
deca 500 x week for
masteron the last 3 weeks
clen the last 3 weeks
I'm 34y 6 for 210 bodyfat 10%
IGF 50 mcg x day
T3 25mcg x day