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Thread: My cycle with GH and IGF

  1. #1

    My cycle with GH and IGF


    I am going to run this cycle:
    1-5 weeks
    GH 4IU 4 times a week PWO
    IGF-1 50mcg 4 times a week PWO
    Sustanol 500mg x week
    T3 daily

    6-9 weeks
    i will stop IGF and go ahead with GH for other 4 weeks..

    10-15 weeks
    GH 4IU 4 times a week PWO
    IGF-1 50mcg 4 times a week PWO
    deca/ sust/masteron
    sustanol 500 x week
    deca 500 x week for
    masteron the last 3 weeks
    clen the last 3 weeks

    I'm 34y 6 for 210 bodyfat 10%


    IGF 50 mcg x day
    T3 25mcg x day

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Why are you going to do GH PWO and IGF PWO?

    NOt knocking you but I THINK you may have better results doing the GH in the morning...Hope all goes well though...

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