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  1. #1
    Skills's Avatar
    Skills is offline Associate Member
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    Dilutents for HGH

    Hi All,

    Just wanted to clear up some confusion I have over hgh dilutents.

    As far as I know one can use

    Sterile water

    My questions are:
    1. Is BA = BW ?
    2. Does hgh last longer in Nacl than BA or BW?
    3. How long does hgh last in nacl?
    4. Do any specific hgh's have any bias towards a particular dilutent?

    Reason I ask is that I can't find any BW anywhere and it costs me $30 to buy overseas.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    thunderin's Avatar
    thunderin is offline Member
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    I personally prefer sterile water which I buy in ampoules from the local pharmacy. I never mix more than a 2-3 days supply.

    NaCl is more viscous after reconstitution with GH than sterile water which makes it harder to get that last little bit out of the vial.

    I too live overseas and find the shipping costs of materials higher than their original value.

  3. #3
    CourtJester is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skills
    Hi All,

    Just wanted to clear up some confusion I have over hgh dilutents.

    As far as I know one can use

    Sterile water

    My questions are:
    1. Is BA = BW ?
    2. Does hgh last longer in Nacl than BA or BW?
    3. How long does hgh last in nacl?
    4. Do any specific hgh's have any bias towards a particular dilutent?

    Reason I ask is that I can't find any BW anywhere and it costs me $30 to buy overseas.

    Thanks in advance.

    BW is sterile water with .9% BA added, so no, it is not the same as BA. You can order BW over the net from several different places for around $5. Can't help with 2-4, sorry.

  4. #4
    bbplaya21's Avatar
    bbplaya21 is offline Associate Member
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    in the woods.......
    Quote Originally Posted by Skills
    Hi All,

    Just wanted to clear up some confusion I have over hgh dilutents.

    As far as I know one can use

    Sterile water

    My questions are:
    1. Is BA = BW ? BW= bacteriostatic water that has BA in it
    2. Does hgh last longer in Nacl than BA or BW? Nacl and BW both have BA in it which helps keep from bacteria from growing. they can be good for a few weeks tops but only make enuf for a few days
    3. How long does hgh last in nacl? Few weeks at the most
    4. Do any specific hgh's have any bias towards a particular dilutent? If ur usin 5 to 10 iu's a day than sterile water is fine but when a bottle takes u 4 to 5 days than Nacl or BW is best for you. im usin BW
    Reason I ask is that I can't find any BW anywhere and it costs me $30 to buy overseas. Not to hard to find most ur Hgh sources have some BW they will sell
    Thanks in advance.

    answers in bold

  5. #5
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    doesnt Lion sell BW at AR.R ?

  6. #6
    Skills's Avatar
    Skills is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2006
    Thanks for your help guys.

  7. #7
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixr
    doesnt Lion sell BW at AR.R ?
    Yes he does

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