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Thread: Slin timing question?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Slin timing question?

    Hey fellas...i've been taking slin post workout for about 2 weeks now. I lift and then immediatly do 25-45 min cardio. I then go to my cooler and take the slin, then a shake with blah blah blah. Anyway, is it correct that I am still in the window for optimal nutrient shuttleing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    For your current routine it sounds like you are timing it about as well as you can. If your daily routine would allow for it, what would be better is to split your cardio and your weight-lifting into two separate sessions. The absolute best scenario would have you setting down your last weight and then hitting the cooler for your insulin, followed by your shake, etc. That will get the muscles fed right away without that 45 minute starvation/catabolic time.

    I usually do my 45 minutes of cardio on a Precor first thing in the morning. My workouts are early afternoon. By doing cardio on an empty stomach (only some glutamine and water in the system), I am able to capitalize on the cardio and keep more fat burning. By putting some distance between the cardio and hitting the weights, I have more energy, a couple of carb meals to fuel the workout, and I can use insulin immediately after I re-rack the last weight to start the feeding and healing processes right away.

    I know a lot of people don't have the luxury of setting their day up like this, but as far as getting maximum benefit out of your time in the gym, setting your day up similar to what I have described above will get you to your goal faster. That isn't to say that what you are doing isn't going to work ... it will just take a wee bit longer to get there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    For your current routine it sounds like you are timing it about as well as you can. If your daily routine would allow for it, what would be better is to split your cardio and your weight-lifting into two separate sessions. The absolute best scenario would have you setting down your last weight and then hitting the cooler for your insulin, followed by your shake, etc. That will get the muscles fed right away without that 45 minute starvation/catabolic time.

    I usually do my 45 minutes of cardio on a Precor first thing in the morning. My workouts are early afternoon. By doing cardio on an empty stomach (only some glutamine and water in the system), I am able to capitalize on the cardio and keep more fat burning. By putting some distance between the cardio and hitting the weights, I have more energy, a couple of carb meals to fuel the workout, and I can use insulin immediately after I re-rack the last weight to start the feeding and healing processes right away.

    I know a lot of people don't have the luxury of setting their day up like this, but as far as getting maximum benefit out of your time in the gym, setting your day up similar to what I have described above will get you to your goal faster. That isn't to say that what you are doing isn't going to work ... it will just take a wee bit longer to get there.
    Hey thanks a bunch for that response, i feel much better...i wish I could split my sessions up I actually might be able to real soon. But for now i have to do it that way. I hate doing cardio before I lift...... but would that be a better option?

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