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Thread: My GH cycle Log

  1. #1
    ahmed2837 is offline New Member
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    Post My GH cycle Log

    I started today my GH cycle and i will keep posting every while my observations during the cycle.

    For starters,

    I am 26 years old
    102 Kg
    181 cm

    and have been on gear before but thats my 1st time with GH.

    Its a sort of a heavy cycle but i gues its worth trying.

    I am starting with:

    GH: 4 U.I ED 5on/2off for 20 weeks
    Sust 250: EOD for 12 weeks
    Equa: 500 mg / week for 12 weeks

    and Starting from week 8 i will be taking Winni 50mg ED for 7 weeks

    Apart from that i backed up myself with some stuff like
    Vit C
    Vit B6
    Vit B-complex
    Alfa Lip acid

    I think thats it......

    Day One: 16/06/07

    I woke up at 4.00am took my GH shoot and took the 250Sust with 300mg Equa. and went back to sleep.

    At 7.00 am before i go to work i took my protine drink with the long tab list.

    And now its almost 12.15pm and i can feel a pump which i do not know why!!

    Anyway i will keep posting....

  2. #2
    ahmed2837 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006

    Week 1

    Today was may last day in week one, i did some mods. I have added one more GH shot to make them 6/week rather than 5 and i will see if it will do any better.

    As for the time being, there is not much of a change except i can feel more pumped and slightly more power, maybe this is only psychological but i feel great.

    I do not know but is it possible that these changes would result from the cycle. Would it be that fast??

  3. #3
    ahmed2837 is offline New Member
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    Week 2

    I finished week 2 last saterday and started week 3.

    Here are my current observations:

    1- There is a noticed increase in power (10-20 %) in all lifted weights.

    2- Also i noticed a decrease in the fat layer around my stomach

    3- Most of the time i feel pumped

    4- As for my body wieght i am now 103 KG But still 181cm tall..

    5- I feel hungry pretty more often these days and when i am i feel dizzy.Although i try to avoid this stage by eathing an avarage of 6 meals/day. 2 of these meals are pro shakes

    This is for now, but i am wondering after a month time how will i look or how much will i be able to lift.

    Note: till not i did not feel any side effects niether from the GH nor the Steriods , maybe its too early to tell but i will keep monitoring.

  4. #4
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2005
    Sounds like you are on track...

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    ahmed2837 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    Thanks Man, i am trying my best to

  6. #6
    znak's Avatar
    znak is offline Senior Member
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    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by ahmed2837
    I finished week 2 last saterday and started week 3.

    Here are my current observations:

    1- There is a noticed increase in power (10-20 %) in all lifted weights.
    WOW. How long have you been training?

  7. #7
    ahmed2837 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    I have been working out from almost 9 years and i used to be a powerlifter but i am telling you, i have never ever lifted so much wieghts as i am doing now, and i am not making this up but in that last week

    I benched 160 KG for 4 reps, and had a little help in the last one

    I squad same for again 4 reps but full deep squad with parallel shoulder width opened legs not wide open

    as for the deadlift i lifted 210Kg for one rep. but for sure i will not go that heavy again because i do not want to hurt myself although it was an easy lift

    to give to an indication, before the cycle i was doing 140/140/200 respectivly for the same amount or reps.

    Its phenomenal !!!

    But i have a question if someone have an idea, i usually take the GH shot in my stomach with the insuline serg ofcours anywhere around, but i heard that it has to be taken underneath the belly not above!! is that true??

    N.B Znak i am always reading your thread, keep it up mate, it helps alot.

  8. #8
    ahmed2837 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006

    Week 3

    I am done with week 3 and actually week 4 is almost finished but i will write the results when i am done with one month.

    As for the time being I gained one more KG so now i am 104 which is quite good.... which means that in the past 3 weeks i gained 2 KG and lost bodyfat

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