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Thread: IGF Reconstitution Help Desperately Needed!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    IGF Reconstitution Help Desperately Needed!

    I bought a 1g kit which just arrived, which included 5ml's of acetic acid. Tonight I plan to reconstitute it. I am planning on starting with 40mcg's a day. I have been doing all of my homework on reconstituting, but I read a lot of conflicting opinions, so I was hoping to get as many opinions on the following:
    1. How many ml's of AA should I inject in the IGF vial, 10 or 20ml's?
    2. Do you suggest putting more AA, or BA in the syringe to help with the sting, or is it not really a big deal?
    3. IM shots, or sub-Q?


  2. #2
    You bought a 1 gram kit or a 1mg kit? For 1 mg use 1 cc of aa and dilute the igf in the syringe with BA add an extra 10 i.u. is what I usually do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Thank you Notus. I don't have any BA, is 10iu of AA ok to dilute the shot?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    1. use 2mL of AA...then '10' mark on an insulin pin is 50mcg...10mL of AA is ridiculous, you want to minimize the amount of AA u need in inject into your muscles

    2. you can add either NACL, bact water, sterile water to the barrel (not igf vial) to 'lessen the sting'....i use nacl and draw the same amount of nacl as i do of the igf

    3. IM

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8
    1. use 2mL of AA...then '10' mark on an insulin pin is 50mcg...10mL of AA is ridiculous, you want to minimize the amount of AA u need in inject into your muscles

    2. you can add either NACL, bact water, sterile water to the barrel (not igf vial) to 'lessen the sting'....i use nacl and draw the same amount of nacl as i do of the igf

    3. IM

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