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Thread: Hyperglycemia

  1. #1


    Hi! I've been using insulin (quick, HUMALOG) for just a few days (3 days). Today I took some ephedrine before my work out. After my training, I took 85 g of fast carbs, and 3iu insu. After 30 min my bloodsugar was 13.5mmol/L. Then after an extra 30 min it was 9mmol/L. I've never measured it to over 9mmol/L before, but the again, I havent measured it after taking ephedrine. Could this be the reason why my BS was so high? After 2 hours it was down to about 5.5.

    Last edited by LittleChick; 06-29-2007 at 03:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleChick
    Hi! I've been using insulin (quick, HUMALOG) for just a few days (3 days). Today I took some ephedrine before my work out. After my training, I took 85 g of fast carbs, and 3iu insu. After 30 min my bloodsugar was 13.5mmol/L. Then after an extra 30 min it was 9mmol/L. I've never measured it to over 9mmol/L before, but the again, I havent measured it after taking ephedrine. Could this be the reason why my BS was so high? After 2 hours it was down to about 5.5.

    The carbs are what would make your blood sugar high. Ephedrine would not raise it at all

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    5.5 is normal, anything above that is too high, don't drop below 3.5 - 4. It seems like you have plenty of room to adjust your carbohydrates but it's good to know that you are going about it the safe way.


  4. #4
    Hyperglycemia has been reported following Ephedrine administration.
    I found this, thats why I was wondering, I thought 13.5 mmol/L was too high, but it dropped back down, and it has never been that high before.. Anyway, I'll find out later on today, after my work out, if its lower without the ephedrine.

    Im very high on the carbs now, until I get the "hang of it" I'll go lower eventually. Thank you very much for you answers!

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