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Thread: JIN + OX or NANDROLONE???

  1. #1


    I would go with hgh for 3 mounths 4iu/ed and I would add OXANDROLONE 20MG/ED or NANDROLONE PHENYLPROPIONATE 300MG/WE.
    What is better???
    I would quality muscoles and at least put on 5 lbs of good and solid muscle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    bro you need to do yourself a favor and do some research before doing anything at all....based on your question, you have a lot to learn

    but that being said, ill give you some answers to your questions...

    first, taking the NANDROLONE PHENYLPROPIONATE by itself is a terrible will quickly completely shutdown your natural test production and you will regret it...if you would like to use it though, stack it with at least 200mg of testosterone weekly and run it for 10-12 weeks

    second, 3 months of hgh at 4iu/ed will be a waste of money...the effects in terms of any muscle gain will be barely noticable at best, as it needs to be run much longer...

    lastly, OXANDROLONE is your best option out of the choices you listed, athlough 20mg/ED is a very low dose...i'de recommend with taking it at 40-60mg ED for about 8 weeks

    to be honest, none of these choice are good....your best bet is to do some research & then post your stats with a better proposed idea

    best of luck....and please research before doing anything bro

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