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  1. #1
    BJJ ANDY is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Syringe,needles and HGH

    Is it possible to suck all 10 iu's up in 1 syringe (and keep it in the fridge) and just change the needle when it's time to inject?

    Or do i have to use 2 needles and 1 syringe every time?
    If i choose to inject hgh twice a day i would need a truckload of syringe & needles.

    A pen would be nice.

    Thanx for inputs
    / Andy

  2. #2
    plzr8's Avatar
    plzr8 is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2006
    first off, generally insulin pins are all one unit...meaning the pin does not detach from the can buy insulin-sized gauged pins separatly but thats about it to my that basically will answer your first question

    either way, its never a good idea to reuse any syringe for anything, you dont want to risk any type of infection...

    by the way, average cost for a box of 100 insulin pins is about $24 bucks...making it 24 cents per pin....if you are running hgh in general, you can afford to spend 48 cents a day on just buy in bulk & stock up

    best of luck

  3. #3
    fish77 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2006
    The cost is nothing. Just wait untill you see how quick the used pins stack up! Much more annoying than the cost of few boxes of pins. At least to me.

    Do a search on here though, there is a long post and the guy in it uses a pen.

  4. #4
    BJJ ANDY is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    You are right guys, a infection is not an attractive option.

    It's not the costs though, it's the trouble to go to Denmark to buy it and then make it thrugh the customs. If you dont and you are unlucky your wife and kids better offer coffee to the cops searching your home.

    You can order it from the internet but i dont want to get on the customs sh itlist because of junkie-tools.

    Denmark here we come.


  5. #5
    BJJ ANDY is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    It says on GenSci that one should ''pull the entire content of the vial into the syringe and there you have it''.

    Sounds like reusing the insulin -tools is recomended by them.
    Also it says that when reconstituted it's ok for 20 days. Iv'e read here on the forum that it's only good for 48 hours with Jin-water?

  6. #6
    BJJ ANDY is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ ANDY
    It says on GenSci that one should ''pull the entire content of the vial into the syringe and there you have it''.

    Sounds like reusing the insulin -tools is recomended by them.
    Also it says that when reconstituted it's ok for 20 days. Iv'e read here on the forum that it's only good for 48 hours with Jin-water?

    Me again. Inside the Jin-karts there is a paper folder wich says ''good for 7-14 days'' , wtf , 20 days on the website, 7-14 days in the kart and 48 hours on the forum?

    Me confused

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