Hey yall, I am new to this board. I have been a member of one other bodybuilding board for a while now, but when I became interested in Igf-1 Lr3 I found the advice I got there to be lacking. I plan to get the scientropin kit and mix it with 2 ml of AA. I wish to run it for 3-4 weeks at 40mcg (20 per side) with a schedule like this
Monday-Chest-Inject in each pec PW
Tuesday-Back-Inject in each lat PW
Wednesday-Legs-No IGF-My legs grow much faster than the rest of my body so no need.
Thurday-Shoulder-Each delt PW
Friday-Arms-Inject in either bis or tris (Probably bis because they lag a little bit more than my tris or alternate weeks.)
Sat and Sun no IGF just moderate cardio.
I would like some feedback on what yall (especially gear) think about this schedule(should I run it for longer?). Also my main question is what needles to buy. On the other site they said inject subcu with a u-100 slin pin. But it seems like most people say IM is better. If so, what size needles/syringes should I get. And I guess Ill need two for each day Im injecting right?Also depending on what you suggest let me know how much to draw in order to inject 20 mcg (per side).
Thanks and pardon my intrusion on your Badass board.