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Thread: gh with no sides???

  1. #1

    gh with no sides???

    I have been on Gh now for 4 months slowly uping my dose to what I am running now which is 8ius ed. I am yet to have joint pains or any bad sides people talk about. I know the source is 100% many people use him of boards with great results. Is it possible to just not have sides???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    It is possible to have no sides. The real measure of your HGH would be more in the results. If you are getting HGH type results 4 months in, you are probably fine. If on the other hand at 8IU's you are getting no sides, no results, and just plain nothing in general, I would question if your HGH is viable or not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    It is possible to have no sides. The real measure of your HGH would be more in the results. If you are getting HGH type results 4 months in, you are probably fine. If on the other hand at 8IU's you are getting no sides, no results, and just plain nothing in general, I would question if your HGH is viable or not.
    From your experience, does the higher grade HGH cause less sides than the lower grade generic stuff like you would get from China? How have the positive effects of the two compared? Say compare something like generic blue tops to Nutropin. Heard many good things about Nutropin.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    From my experiences, there aren't really any hard and fast rules about sides. I have had some pretty good joint swelling from very high grade American HGH's. I have also had some pretty good results from some of the better quality imports. One thing I haven't had to deal with in using the higher quality brands are allergic reactions, red bumps, and things of that nature that you will see with some lower rung imports. I do like Nutropin, as well as Genotropin and Humatrope. There is no question that given a choice, those are the ones to use.

    In general, these American brands are going to give you a better bang for the IU than most of the imports. Also as mentioned above you could get some of the imports with a wee bit more impurities (though not enough to make them unsafe for use most of the time), which in turn might equate to some problems and negative reactions here and there. There just aren't the stringent controls we have in the states on medical manufacturing. Some Chinese companies are currently getting punished by their own government for producing fake and under-dosed medications to treat their sick.

    The general experience I have had is that I have to take more IU's of the imports than I do the higher grade brands to get the same effect. I have more recently ran some American HGH just to make sure it wasn't just me becoming less sensitive to HGH in general ... it wasn't.

    If I run 5-6 IU's of American HGH, I usually see pretty good results. When I run Jintropin or any of the more reputable imports I can arrive at the same results, but only when utilizing more like 10 IU's per day to get the equivalent benefit. Also, with Jintropin I usually deal with water bloat for the first few months moreso than some of the other brands.

    In general, I would say just find a good quality HGH ... domestic if you can float it, or sound import if not. Next, find the dose that gets you the most return for the least amount of HGH ... realize it is likely to vary a bit from brand to brand. Running tests on yourself can be really valuable in evaluating the return on your investment.

    I routinely pull blood panels every 6 weeks, and that is helpful in determining what your HGH is and isn't doing for you. The mirror is also your friend as the scale won't always tell what the mirror will about your composition. If you have access to composition measuring equipment (I check this pretty much monthly), then you can get some more concrete ideas about your body composition as it changes. With these tools, I have learned the best plan of action to get the most benefit with the least investment. I have shared many of those personal observations through the years, but those are merely a starting point. Everyone is going to respond in a slightly different way, so experimentation while testing all the way is going to give you what you need to dial in your own personal plan of attack, whether domestic or import.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 08-02-2007 at 12:41 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Great stuff RB as usual!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Yeah, great post. Confirms what I thought. I think I will stay away from the cheap chineese imports now and go for the real american deal. Heard that for most 4-6 IU/day of the american is plenty. That does offset quite a bit of the price difference, considering youre using 10 IU/day of the cheap stuff.

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