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  1. #1
    goin on 4T's Avatar
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    IGF LR3, HGH post WO 4 Red Baron

    Originally Posted by Red Baron
    This really isn't the issue that we are worried about. We are not worrying about HGH being dulled ... we are worried about your blood glucose levels soaring to uncomfortable heights.

    The problem with carbs around an HGH injection is that for a matter of a few hours the HGH interferes with your body's ability to uptake glucose. That is a problem for many people over the course of a cycle. Intaking a lot of carbs at exactly the same time your body loses the ability to pull it out of your system elevates your blood glucose levels. We can theorize that the subsequent secretion of IGF will offset this in a few hours, but that is a pretty general observation and one that doesn't fit every user. Many folks (self included) can get some pretty impressive a1c readings while on HRT doses of HGH. That over time will result in some nasty sides that I would really rather not deal with.

    The above is the reason we suggest no carbs around injection, not because we are afraid that we are somehow negating our exogenous HGH.
    If someone is taking 5IU's of HGH 2x/day, one in the AM and the second post work out. Then waiting 15 and taking IGF LR-3 PWO three times a week IM then drinking Myogenix Aftershock (carbs+protien) right after.
    1. Is this the correct proceedure?
    2. Am I increasing the potential of "some nasty sides that I would really rather not deal with"?
    3. What are the nasty sides?
    RB You have tremendous insight and experience and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this subject!

  2. #2
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    While I wouldn't personally suggest that you take an HGH injection alone right after a workout followed by some simple carbs, it sounds like in your case the fact that you are immediately adding in a dose of IGF during that same window of time will pretty much offset the glucose uptake interference that the HGH will be responsible for. I certainly wouldn't suggest HGH alone after a workout, but in combination with Insulin or IGF it is "probably" an alright venture in most cases. What I will often do is take HGH pre-workout, followed by Insulin or IGF post workout. Here is the way to look at HGH post workout.

    HGH does some really nice things for you. It shuttles nutrients to your tissues, it aids in recovery, increases fat metabolism, and other nice things. The problem we get into when taking it by itself after a workout is that at the very time our muscles are screaming to replace their lost muscle glycogen, we are taking a substance that is going to shut down the body's ability to efficiently replace it. We are in effect telling the body for a few hours after our HGH injection that it is going to mobilize and burn fat for fuel. If we are trying to get/stay lean this is a great thing. If we are trying to refuel our muscle post workout, it isn't such a great thing.

    As far as nasty sides, what I am mainly referring to is a really stubborn case of insulin resistance. I have experimented on myself and a few select friends and intentionally eaten protein/carb meals around HGH injection time. The end result for all of us was a diagnosis of type II diabetes and a round of diabetic medications. Now while the condition has seemingly turned out to be temporary, diabetes is nothing to joke around with, and in reality all that type II diabetes is is a giant case of insulin resistance.

    When your blood sugar gets up above 200'ish and stays there for a long time, some really bad things start happening. Your small blood vessels begin dying off. Your kidneys are stressed. Your nerves begin losing their protective coating and ultimately become damaged and die. Blood glucose is a benefit ONLY when it is controlled in a very small, tight range. Too high and all of the above start happening. Too low and you die because your brain requires a certain amount to keep ticking.

    So these are the nasty sides that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I am not only theorizing on this little point. I used myself and some others as a test and I can tell you that the threat is real. That being the case, the smart man's move to using HGH is to schedule your injection times around fasting or protein / fat meals. Also, taking your HGH during times that glucose uptake isn't a critical issue (ie postworkout alone). As mentioned above, the addition of insulin or IGF would tip this back more toward a favorable outcome.

    The thing with most peptides are there aren't any concrete rules. You really have to look at your whole day, routine, body condition, age, and factors like these to come up with a good course of action.

    I would say your routine above is "probably" okay. What I would do is take a few BG readings around the few hours after your workout and pwo shake. If your levels spike and taper nicely as they should, then you are probably on track. If on the other hand they shoot up to several hundred and hover there for 4-6 hours ... then I would say it is time to rethink your strategy.

    Hope some of this rambling helps. Best of luck to you.

  3. #3
    goin on 4T's Avatar
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    I think I am going to pick up a BG monitor. What do you recomend a standard monitor sold at walgreens? Or is there a specific one?
    Thanks for all of your help!

  4. #4
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    Most of the standard BG monitors are just fine. They are all pretty accurate and will do a sufficient job. I use the Freestyle Flash right now. I got it for $19 at WalMart, but I am sure most pharmacies are going to be pretty close to that price-wise. Many pharmacies will give you a BG monitor ... you just have to buy the strips for it from them. You can also pick up a1c home tests at WalMart, Target, and most pharmacies for about $18.

  5. #5
    goin on 4T's Avatar
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    Ok got the meter and here are some results.
    Today before going to gym 111
    after gym 99
    10 min after HGH 98
    10 min (right after IGF LR-3) 119
    6 min after Aftershook + vitagro (60g. carb, 30g protien) 100
    20 min later 134
    Very interesting!

  6. #6
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    All of those readings look very reasonable. I would check it maybe at the one hour and two hour post shake times a few times just to see how that looks. If it looks as good as the readings you have posted, then you are certainly in good shape.

  7. #7
    goin on 4T's Avatar
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    COOL!!! I will do it next time... probably sunday.
    If I am doing it 3x / week should I check it three times a week?
    If things are starting to go bad what should I be looking for? Numbers approaching 200?
    BTW yesterday was my second IGF (25mcg's per side), went for the tri's not as painfull as the bi's, but I must have glanced a nerve and my tri flinched. Kinda cool!
    Thanks again for all of your help!!

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