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Thread: New to HGH

  1. #1
    WHITETIGER0424 is offline New Member
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    Question New to HGH

    Hi, just joined this site, have been reading through for along time now. Great info here. My question is, I have recently purchaced some blue tops. I am wondering, I was planning on running this at 2iu ed for a total of 6 months, basically for fat loss and staying fairly lean durning my next cycle. Will 2iu be enough for this, I am 6'3" and right now am 255, this past winter I was around 280. Do you guys think 2iu is enough or would moving to 4 or 5 iu ed be more like it. Basically my local source told me that the 2 iu would be enough but I have also seen postings on here and other sites that wieght can be an issue on the amount you need to take.
    Thanks for any info possible.

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    imo 2iu is a waste.
    4-8 is ideal for lipolytic activity.

  3. #3
    WHITETIGER0424 is offline New Member
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    Would you say that it is not worth doing 2iu ed for fat loss or just muscle gain? Really my main goal for the hgh is just fat loss.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by WHITETIGER0424
    Would you say that it is not worth doing 2iu ed for fat loss or just muscle gain? Really my main goal for the hgh is just fat loss.
    well to attain lean body mass i would say you'd need atleast 12iu ED
    for fat loss DEFINETLY no less than 4iu

  5. #5
    WHITETIGER0424 is offline New Member
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    Cool, thats what I was wondering!


  6. #6
    goin on 4T's Avatar
    goin on 4T is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah 4IU's per day. Make sure you run it at 2IU's per shot that is supposed to be all your body's receptors can handle.

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would say 3IU should get the job done. Everyone is different though, so you won't know what's best for you till you try.

    Good luck.


  8. #8
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by goin on 4T
    Yeah 4IU's per day. Make sure you run it at 2IU's per shot that is supposed to be all your body's receptors can handle.
    Where did this information come from?

  9. #9
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by WHITETIGER0424
    Hi, just joined this site, have been reading through for along time now. Great info here. My question is, I have recently purchaced some blue tops. I am wondering, I was planning on running this at 2iu ed for a total of 6 months, basically for fat loss and staying fairly lean durning my next cycle. Will 2iu be enough for this, I am 6'3" and right now am 255, this past winter I was around 280. Do you guys think 2iu is enough or would moving to 4 or 5 iu ed be more like it. Basically my local source told me that the 2 iu would be enough but I have also seen postings on here and other sites that wieght can be an issue on the amount you need to take.
    Thanks for any info possible.
    If you can afford it and they are 10iu vials then I would run 5iu ed, 4iu will become a ballache after a while.

  10. #10
    goin on 4T's Avatar
    goin on 4T is offline Associate Member
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    A study, I am looking for it.

  11. #11
    tempbrit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    If you can afford it and they are 10iu vials then I would run 5iu ed, 4iu will become a ballache after a while.

    Forgive me for my ignorance, but what do you mean by the fact that 4ius will become a "ballache"?

    I think GH depends a lot on your age. As a 40 year old, I find that 4 ius will work perfect for reducing fat and generally make me feel better. I use Blue Tops and I find them to be a bit stronger than the Jins I use to use.

    Having said that I also find that I notice little to no fat loss until after 2 months, closer to 3 months. Then it just kicks in and the fat drops fairly quickly. Not sure why that is the case.

    I have several friends who run GH along with me and they have very similar experience. I realize genetics all play a part, but I am a bit skeptical when I hear about all of these guys droping a couple of inches in a matter of a few weeks running GH.

    Anyways, I am not a big fan of GH in big doses. Too many hazards at large doses. I am also taking a long term view. I want to run GH as much as possible as I age. Getting old sucks and GH is a way to avoid some of the downsides to getting old.

  12. #12
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    @ tai i don#t know about you but maybe you got severly underdosed GH?

    I myself am using between 3 an 6 IU EOD and i am loosing a good amount of BF even when not dieting (i am using thanktropin atm).
    I know a lot of other german competitors who only use 2-4 IU EOD for fat loss purposes (Genotropin or Simplexx that is).

    Personally i don't know when this GH megadosing phenomenon developed in the US but i also know a german IFBB pro who states that GH for muscle gains is a waste. SLIN + Test is all he uses during off season. and GH during contest time..

  13. #13
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit
    Forgive me for my ignorance, but what do you mean by the fact that 4ius will become a "ballache"?
    Well recently I saw a study that indicated that 4iu was the optimum dosage for causing painful swelling of the testes, it does not occur at 3iu, nor 5iu - it is something of an anomoly!

    OK, I'm full of shit!

    What I meant was that because 10 is not divisable by 4 you would be using a bit from one vial then a bit from another, y'get me? - Not a huge problem but it would annoy the shit outta me!

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by AleX-69
    @ tai i don#t know about you but maybe you got severly underdosed GH?

    I myself am using between 3 an 6 IU EOD and i am loosing a good amount of BF even when not dieting (i am using thanktropin atm).
    I know a lot of other german competitors who only use 2-4 IU EOD for fat loss purposes (Genotropin or Simplexx that is).

    Personally i don't know when this GH megadosing phenomenon developed in the US but i also know a german IFBB pro who states that GH for muscle gains is a waste. SLIN + Test is all he uses during off season. and GH during contest time..
    nope wasnt underdosed in the least.

  15. #15
    WHITETIGER0424 is offline New Member
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    Well for me, this stuff is just too expensive to be running 5+ iu. ED. I just bought a house so I am trying to keep it to the minimum dose possible for my goal.

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