thinking of taking hgh am i likely to get gyno if so what med should i use .thanks
thinking of taking hgh am i likely to get gyno if so what med should i use .thanks
Originally Posted by shanes
HGH will not cause gyno.
i have slightly puffy right nipple would injecting nipple help. thanks
OUCH!LOL Are you on anything else? I know puffiness can be a side affect, but it normally goes away. How long have you been on it?
i have not started yet just coming to end of test cycle want to use hgh to help with fat
get a antiestrogen. Chrionic Gonotropin is what I use. Probably not spelled HGH wont be optimal for gyno.
I surely hope you are joking? I mean cmon, do a bit of research.
Also Test with HGH is the way to go. Try and cycle both together. They work hand in hand together and you will get better results from both than if you do them individually.
i have done research my plan was to use hgh after course for 3 months to help keep gains and lose fat is that wrong
Yip it is wrong. Do both together and you WILL keep more and get more from both.
i have 3 weeks left on test should i take hgh or leave it now
If it was me, I would cycle down and hold off until you can start them together. But you could go ahead and start now. But HGH is WAAAAAAY expensive. Your choice.
Originally Posted by shanes
i would run HGH longer than 3 many IUs do you plan on running?
4-6 iu a day but using it more to reduce fat
That is a good amount.
You probably won't need that much for fat loss benefits. 2 - 4IU should be enough to burn fat, genereally speaking ofcourse.
wOULDN'T MORE MEAN MORE FAT COMING OFF THOUGH? If not I am backing down my dosage.Originally Posted by Twizzted
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