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  1. #1
    wreslterdude is offline New Member
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    Sep 2007

    Frustrated with IGF

    Hey guys,
    I need some help with IGF
    I got the Scientropin IGF-1LongR3
    it comes with:
    2ml Acetic Acid
    10ml Single dose of Sodium Chloride
    1mg IGF

    Here are a few questions: Is it true to only mix the igf with only half of the acid to avoid stings? My most frustrating issue is: I have 1CC insulin pins, how they read 10..20..30.. all the way to 100 how much IGF and how much Soudiun Chloride do I need per shot? I'm having trouble converting the mcgs to units. And how many days a week can I do it? is it better mornings or after work outs? I keep hearing different things. One last thing bi shots or one shot? and is it ok to inject in the stomach?


  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Ok, from what ive read (im thinking of using IGF) is to shoot into the muscle group that is worked out 30-45mins. post workout. Ill keep digging for this info tho. As for the mixture......not sure.

  3. #3
    goin on 4T's Avatar
    goin on 4T is offline Associate Member
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    Have you reconstituted yet?
    If not what I would do is, take the 1cc syringe fill up with the Acetic Acid (AA) now you have 1ml of AA. Add that to the 1000mcg's of IGF. That gives you 1000mcg's/ml. Now some people will add another 1cc of AA to dilute the IGF and make it easier with the small amounts you are going to be injecting the muscles. Don't use the Sodium Cloride until you are ready to inject breaks down the IGF and gives it a very short life!
    1cc dilution
    how many lines are there from 0 to the first big 1
    if there are 5, each little line equals 20 mcg's

    2cc dilution
    if there are 5 lines, each little line equals 10 mcgs

    I always load syringe with sodium cloride first so that I get all of the IGF into the muscle and don't leave any in to waste...

  4. #4
    goin on 4T's Avatar
    goin on 4T is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wreslterdude
    Hey guys,
    I need some help with IGF
    I got the Scientropin IGF-1LongR3
    it comes with:
    2ml Acetic Acid
    10ml Single dose of Sodium Chloride
    1mg IGF

    Here are a few questions: Is it true to only mix the igf with only half of the acid to avoid stings? My most frustrating issue is: I have 1CC insulin pins, how they read 10..20..30.. all the way to 100 how much IGF and how much Soudiun Chloride do I need per shot?
    I use equal amounts of Sodium to IGF but load Sodium first.

    I'm having trouble converting the mcgs to units. And how many days a week can I do it?
    3 times per week

    is it better mornings or after work outs?
    Post work out (immediately, unless you are using GH PWO)

    I keep hearing different things. One last thing bi shots or one shot?
    Bi shots (2 per post WO)

    and is it ok to inject in the stomach?
    No it is not good to inject in stomach, I have read where that might lead to turtle gut...
    Hope that helps!

  5. #5
    wreslterdude is offline New Member
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    Sep 2007
    thanks a lot bro... I appreciate your help.
    I've read threads talking about biceps, triceps and chest, any other safe place to inject? And I have a little concern. Right after work out the muscle is hard, and the insulin needles are very thin and small... would they go in with no problem? and is it safe to use the same needle for bi shots? ot do u use two of them?
    Last edited by wreslterdude; 09-18-2007 at 09:44 AM.

  6. #6
    goin on 4T's Avatar
    goin on 4T is offline Associate Member
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    I have done bi's, tri's, and delts. Ran out before I could go to chest, lats.
    There is a 31 guage ** ultrafine that works great. I was using the 8mm. Switched to the ** 30 guage 1/2 (to get deeper into muscle) and they make a 1/3 cc or a 1/2 cc for small amounts to inject. Slips right in!!! Never even bent one. Just make sure to asperate!

  7. #7
    wreslterdude is offline New Member
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    I started today post work out, shoulders, a little bit of a sting but not too bad, I'm glad you told me not to hit the stomach, that would have stung bad LOL... a drop of blood from one, the other one I had no problem with. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
    1st day:
    225 lbs
    31 years old.

    20mcgs each muscle (2 shots)

    One last question: since it's 3 times a week, should I go Tues, Fri, Mon? and then keep rotating after 2 days off? And is the stiff feeling after a shot normal?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    back in the states
    yes !

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