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  1. #1
    BIGSNOR's Avatar
    BIGSNOR is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2003

    HGH comes out THICK blue tops is thin

    Hey bought some nutropin AQ the expensive ass good shiiiit. anyway when i draw it out it comes out really thick and shoots the same way. regardless the stuff is working. I got sides out of it in two days, that went away rather quickly but had some hand cramps.

    Before the nutropin i was running the BLUE TOPS GH at 6 IU for 3 months and didnt get a single side and saw no real results. Also the stuff draws into the syringe like water, not thick at all like the nutropin.

    Now im currently running 3 IU ED of the blue tops and 3 ED of the nutropin. had to split it, the nutropin is too damn expensive. Do you think this sounds like the blue tops are shit?? i know it takes awhile, a long while, for the stuff to kick in but, the nutropin im getting massive ****in pumps in a matter of two weeks since being on it, or do you think the blue tops and the nutropin are just now starting to work good. I mean i get lower back pumps from hell from just standing up for more than 2 or three minutes at a time. the workouts are insane as well. let me know, i dont wanna waste anymore money on the blue tops if they sound bunk. i've been on the GH for approximately 3 and a half to four months now.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    There are many different blue tops and sometimes they are hard to tell apart. I believe there are good and bad blues out there, it all comes down to how much you trust your source. So far, I have heard very good things about blue tops.


  3. #3
    deadliftin00 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2007
    If you never got sides most likely your blue tops happened to fall on the bad side of the quality scale, or are fake entirely. You may want to shop for a new source or have them tested (I doubt this is an option since you mentioned your low on cash).

    All blue tops are not created equal!

  4. #4
    deaconfrost is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007
    Toronto, Ontario
    I just received some Nutropin today. Bigsnor is dead on when he says it's expensive! Who produces the blue tops? In my reading, I can see that they are generic, but they must come from somewhere.

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