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  1. #1
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    Hgh...should i continue??

    Hey everyone...

    I get gh at a really lose price from my boy and have been taking it basically all summer and have been on only 1 kit...running 2ius EOD since it was my first time...i noticed i heal faster and my fcked up shoulder is now ok...

    my one friend who is a super guru says takin gh at 23 is a waste and too expensive...ive done a few other cycles...i was stackin 750mg of cyp and 600mg of EQ with it, plus 60mcg of on my last vial of GH and i was wondering if i should continue taking it, and if so , what should i run the dosage at next time...i know it should be between 2-6ius....

    my one boy plays football in college and EXPLODED on Gh. on only 2ius a day and hes only 22...thats is why im gettin a second opinion...and all his friend blew up too...his one boy takes 4ius and is a monster...

    So far like i said above, i've lose some fat, but my strenght has gone up and my rotar cuff is healed..

    my main goal is to be extremely lean, and look like one of those mens fitness dudes...probably 215-220 at 6-8% body fat

    right now im 5'11 @ 210, probaby 12-13% body fat...
    maybe less...

    what do u guys suggest...should gh stay or should it go???
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 09-20-2007 at 10:32 AM.

  2. #2
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you can afford to run it futher, then why not?

    3-4iu ed is all you need for fat loss, you could even get some fat-burning effect from 2iu a/day.
    Last edited by vitor; 09-20-2007 at 01:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    The dose depends on what you want to achieve, but I am surprised that your friend got such great gains from only 2IU, he must respond well, that dose is usually more beneficial for fat loss than anything else.

    IMO I don't think you should change anything. It seems to me that nothing needs fixing because you seem happy with what you have gained so far. Only adjust the dose if you can't bare the side effects or if you are not happy enough with the gains. Since you are after fat loss, 2 - 4IU should meet this requirement.


  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    im sure those guys you said exploded were probably taking some anabolics as well.. GH is not really a mass builder esp at that low of a dose..2-4 IU/day 5 on 2 off is good for fat loss, but dont expect to build muscle with it

  5. #5
    JuliusPleaser's Avatar
    JuliusPleaser is offline Senior Member
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    oh yea...they def were taking juice...well thank u guys, im gonna give gh another shot...ill do 3 ius then ill bump to 4iu...

    ill probably be stackin with turanabol and tren or something of that nature...

    now, do u think i should go EOD, or ED?...ive been going EOD and i know the usual protocol is 5on 2 off, but even the GH profile on this site says that EOD actually simulates the natural extraction of GH as ur body would do without the synthetic...

    EOD is really the same as 5 on 2 off, except the tues and thurs really take place of sat and sunday...i shoot in the am

    and also, do u guys agree that it is a waste to take at 23?

    once again thanks for ur time and advice
    Last edited by JuliusPleaser; 09-20-2007 at 01:16 PM.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    EOD, ED, 5/2..there are all different protocols people have tried..its really up to decide..if EOD works for you, then I see no reason to change it.

    I doubt you'll experience as much of the anti aging benefits of HGH at 23, but you'll obviously see some fat loss, which youve already seen

    Test/tren is a good stack to take with HGH..dont run tren without some test

  7. #7
    goodbro is offline New Member
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    For me isn't a bad idea rum hgh at 23 years old!
    I'm 23 and I runn jin from 14 week at 2 iu ed,5 on 2 off.
    I'm also running var 20 mg ed from 6 th week.
    This dosage are very low but for me works,maybe because is the first time I'm going on cycle.
    I have gained 6-8 pounds of muscle and I have drop some fat,but only low quantity,because my diet is very rich:3g of carb and 2,5g of carb for pound of body weight.
    I have notice that my skin is better,expecially my acne.
    The only negative aspect is that I'm running jin mixed with water solution and not with BAC WATER:after 3 or 4 days the juice is more fluid,this means that the hgh is been degrading.

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