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  1. #1
    Airnzah is offline Junior Member
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    A Question for HGH Users

    What’s the deal with HGH? I’ve been researching lately about it &, it seems like there are rants & raves (it looks good on paper, it’s not worth the cost, etc.)…

    I mean, actually, for you guys who have tried/using it, how would you rate it? Have you used it alone? If you’ve used it in a stack, what were the other compounds used?

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    too many broad questions and posted in the wrong forum.

    you will find most of these answers in the hgh/igf forums but i caution you, nothing definitive will and can be concluded...there are as many opinions on hgh as there are people using depends on person to person and how they use and respond to it.

  3. #3
    Airnzah is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, exactly. I wanna how different people react to the drug. sorta like a survey. has it helped? was it counterproductive? cmon guys...

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Re-directing thread to my house...


  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I am sure you will get many different views on this, but I'll tell you what I think.

    HGH is a great all around "costly" drug. IMO, unless you're after anti aging benefits, then you should only use HGH if you are a serious competitor of a certain sport.

    If you are a bodybuilder and are serious about gaining muscle long term wise, then HGH without a question would be a great idea. If you are doing a photoshoot or just want to look good at the beach, then HGH wouldn't be your best bet. In that case, you are better of turning to AAS.

    It really takes a while for HGH to start producing noticable gains. If you were to use it on it's own, providing your training and diet was in tact, the results would arrive, but the process is slow. The slower the process the longer it will take for the results to show up. The longer it takes for the results to show up, the less and less money your wallet will contain.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, short term use probably wouldn't be a good idea when it comes to HGH, where-as long term use actually might be worth it.

    Just my .02


  6. #6
    Twizzted's Avatar
    Twizzted is offline Junior Member
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    I love what it has done for me in the 5 weeks I have been on it. I have lost weight and feel over all better about myself. Hell just the better sleep is worth the price to me!LOL I agree with Gear on what he said.
    I am using it more for its fat burning and general health/antiaging. My energy levels have noticably gone up. I am 36 and that to is worth the price.

  7. #7
    Airnzah is offline Junior Member
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    bodybuilding is all I'm interested in...

    I'm just learning more about these. I appreciate the replies...

    it seems that it's really costly huh. I can get great results from AAS, but I definitely think HGH can be of big help.

    well, maybe when the right time comes.

    I'm just curious on the others saying they got big+shredded using only HGH, 2IU's a day (w/c is underdosing, right?). HOW?!? lol

  8. #8
    ZaneFan's Avatar
    ZaneFan is offline Associate Member
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    Twizzted, looking good in your avatar.

    Airnzah, 4 iu a day is minimum. Read some other threads on this forum for more details. If you can afford it at that level and go on for at least 6 months than you will notice a difference.

  9. #9
    olr77 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm in my 4th week at 3 IU's a day.HGH is helping me shed bodyfat,sleep better,think clearer!!! Money is not an issue for me so i am doing it for a while!!

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    for me and my gains/goals/desires its price does not warrant its gains.. cost way tooo much vs the gains i can acquire through AAS.

    but in the fat loss area its practically unbeatable...
    plus improved sleep, better energy/mood, and prettier skin
    on a scale of 1-10..
    1 being EQ, 3 being slin, 5 being igf or test, 8being deca /npp, and 10 being tren
    i give it a 5.5

  11. #11
    Twizzted's Avatar
    Twizzted is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZaneFan
    Twizzted, looking good in your avatar.

    Airnzah, 4 iu a day is minimum. Read some other threads on this forum for more details. If you can afford it at that level and go on for at least 6 months than you will notice a difference.
    Thanks bro. You to man. I wish I had those abs.LOL

  12. #12
    BillytheFish is offline New Member
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    I'm 27, could do with shedding a few pounds, my sleep is utter crap (I wake up easily and frequently) and consequently I feel tired all the time.

    For Fat Burning / Anti-aging / health, would it be worth it for me or am I too young to get the benefits?

  13. #13
    sphincter is offline Member
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    it would be worth it to you if yo can afford it and it won't be if you can't...

  14. #14
    BillytheFish is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sphincter View Post
    it would be worth it to you if yo can afford it and it won't be if you can't...
    Lol, ok that's about as clear as you can get. Maybe I'll just try Melatonin for my sleep for now then...

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