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Thread: Should I start HGH??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Should I start HGH??

    Hey everyone I'm looking to get a bit bigger so i can do a amatuer show in june or july of 08. I am 6'5 255 (22 years old) and looking to get around the 275 to 280 mark. I am already ready on 800mgs of test a week along with 600mg of deca a week. I was planning on starting hgh next week and run about 2 iu's 5 on 2 off. Then when february hits i was going to go to 5 iu's. I am also around 10% bodyfat. So any advice about this stuff is good advice, or about using t3 with it or anything. Thanks

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I know you've probbaly more than likely heard this before, but I must outline your best option first before discussing this topic any further. So, I would like to say that you are too young for HGH.

    At your age, 2IU won't do much, it certainly won't bring much muscle benefits, if any. If you are after mass, I would start on a lower dose (about 3IU) just to get used to what HGH does to you and increase if necessary but you will find that you will more than likely need 5IU+ for muscle gains.

    Apart from AAS, there are other drugs you could add while using HGH like T3 and insulin but they are totally a different subject.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Eat To Grow Bro

  4. #4
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    Jul 2007
    i just wanted to hit up 2iu's a day just to get it thru my system and then i am going to 5 iu's a day in january or febr. You think thats a good idea?

  5. #5
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    Jul 2007
    And also just to say that Trey Brewer for team BSN is a year younger than me and he is clearly on some strong shit, so if he's 315 and younger than me, i am clearly doing something wrong, or not doing something. I've been training for five years and been on aas for about 1.5 years, and i can see that aas alone is not gonna get me to where i wanna be. I wanted to be on the gh for about a year and then hit up the slin and t3 there after.

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattosteel
    i just wanted to hit up 2iu's a day just to get it thru my system and then i am going to 5 iu's a day in january or febr. You think thats a good idea?
    Going from 2IU straight to 5IU is too much of an increase at once. Slowly up the dose and only increase if necessary. The side effects will also be a lot milder if you increase the dose slowly.


  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattosteel
    And also just to say that Trey Brewer for team BSN is a year younger than me and he is clearly on some strong shit, so if he's 315 and younger than me, i am clearly doing something wrong, or not doing something. I've been training for five years and been on aas for about 1.5 years, and i can see that aas alone is not gonna get me to where i wanna be. I wanted to be on the gh for about a year and then hit up the slin and t3 there after.
    Many users start using drugs from a very early age, no question about that. But I bet you once these users get a bit older, they will regret using these compound so early. Do you relise the health problems these professional bodybuilders experience down the track? They certainly don't live longer than an avg Dick and Harry, that's for sure. So what I am trying to point out is, when it comes to drug use, there is no safe way about it no matter if you're young or old, but there are ways of using drugs which can make the side effects "not as" harsh, and that the kind of advice I like to give.

    Also, you canot compare yourself to anyone. You are the way you are, and your body operates the way it does. You canot change that. You can give yourself a boost by taking drugs, but your body will only produce resluts to an extent. Some get better results than you, that's just how it is. It doesn't mean taking more drugs is the answer. So, if you're comparing yourself to some "excellent genetic" freak who has been using enhancment drugs for much longer than you, then it is not fair on you to make that judgement since the person you're comparing yourself to is way out of your league.

    You have only been training for 5yrs, and only been taking AAS for 1.5yrs. That is enough time to produce good gains, but not enough time to look like Trey Brewer. Like I said, don't worry about how old Trey is because he is way out of your league.

    As for AAS, AAS is a great option if you want to get big and strong. If you think HGH will bring better gains in terms of size and strength, think again. HGH won't do that so fast. HGH certainly has the potential of delivering such benefits, but it will not deliver the size/strength benefits as fast as AAS does. You will find that most don't use HGH to create size/strength benefits, they use this compound to produce more muscle cells and develop those cells, and they use AAS for strength and size. If there was no AAS and only HGH, bodybuilders would not look the way they do these days, not even close. Don't underestimate the potential of AAS.

    Why does everyone always jump the gun for? Everyone wants to look good but nobody has the patience to wait for the gains to arrive. It takes many years of training, drug use, dieting etc etc to look like a pro bodybuilder. Training for 5yrs and only cycling for 1.5yrs will not make you look like a pro. Perhaps your expectations are too high.

    My advice would be to take advantage of your natural abilities, but since you've jumped the gun already by using AAS, I guess keep on using AAS, but I really wouldn't think about using HGH at this time.

    Think about your health my friend.

    I wish you all the best.


  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    By the way, insulin and T3 would be a good idea during HGH, not once you've come of HGH. Just thought I'd add that.


  9. #9
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    Jul 2007
    thank you gear, i appreciate all of the help that i can get. I know my measure of standard is set high, but at the same time this is my life. So i expect to see very good results and my dream is to become a pro one day. So im not just doing this to get girls or to kick someone's ass. I accept the consequences that this is doing to my body and i have no remorse for it. So i will keep training hard with the use of drugs. Thank you all for the help, but still not what i was looking for.

  10. #10
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattosteel
    thank you gear, i appreciate all of the help that i can get. I know my measure of standard is set high, but at the same time this is my life. So i expect to see very good results and my dream is to become a pro one day. So im not just doing this to get girls or to kick someone's ass. I accept the consequences that this is doing to my body and i have no remorse for it. So i will keep training hard with the use of drugs. Thank you all for the help, but still not what i was looking for.
    If there is anything else you would like to know or if there is something I forgot to answer, let me know and I'll do my best to give you advice reagrding that matter. I am just not sure why the answers you got aren't what you were looking for. I answered all your questions. I told you the better way about it, and I also answered all your questions about HGH/AAS use if you are going to go ahead and use these compounds.

    Good luck.


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattosteel
    thank you gear, i appreciate all of the help that i can get. I know my measure of standard is set high, but at the same time this is my life. So i expect to see very good results and my dream is to become a pro one day. So im not just doing this to get girls or to kick someone's ass. I accept the consequences that this is doing to my body and i have no remorse for it. So i will keep training hard with the use of drugs. Thank you all for the help, but still not what i was looking for.
    being 6'5" it's gonna be extremly hard for you to win. you might do well as a novice in the superheavies but once you get to a national level it's a short mans sport. i'm 5'7 and one of the taller ones as a middleweight. most of the super heavies are 6' and under, i'm not trying to ruin your dreams just trying to give you a shot of reality. listen to gear he knows what he's talking about. i wish you the best, good luck bro

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Western States
    Many users start using drugs from a very early age, no question about that. But I bet you once these users get a bit older, they will regret using these compound so early. Do you relise the health problems these professional bodybuilders experience down the track? They certainly don't live longer than an avg Dick and Harry, that's for sure. So what I am trying to point out is, when it comes to drug use, there is no safe way about it no matter if you're young or old, but there are ways of using drugs which can make the side effects "not as" harsh, and that the kind of advice I like to give.

    Also, you canot compare yourself to anyone. You are the way you are, and your body operates the way it does. You canot change that. You can give yourself a boost by taking drugs, but your body will only produce resluts to an extent. Some get better results than you, that's just how it is. It doesn't mean taking more drugs is the answer. So, if you're comparing yourself to some "excellent genetic" freak who has been using enhancment drugs for much longer than you, then it is not fair on you to make that judgement since the person you're comparing yourself to is way out of your league.

    Good points for everyone to think about - thanks Gear.

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