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Thread: Stop HGH before IGF-1 blood test?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Stop HGH before IGF-1 blood test?

    Hi, I been self-medicating HGH 1.5 IU ED for three weeks, I know exogen HGH will raise my IGF-1 levels but now I´m going to seen a endo doctor due to my severe osteoporosis just in 6 days.
    I will be doing a blood test the to measure IGF-1 levels.
    I was hoping to be put on HGH by this doctor as no other bone medications can help my condition- I´m only 35 btw and have a DXA -4.6. I dont want to spend my life in a wheelchair!!

    Should I stop HGH right now? How long before a blood test should I have stopped so that my IGF-1 levels would show what they would if I didn´t used HGH???

    Hope you understand my English, I´m from Scandinavia.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    If you have only been on GH for 3 weeks, why didnt you wait a little longer until after the blood test?

    Yes GH will increase IGF levels, altough there shouldnt be to much increase from that dosage after such a short time... But even if you stop the GH now, they might not be completely accurat...You should considder telling the Doc the truth...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Since my DXA was done I have been waiting to see this specialist. I didn´t know if it was going to take 3 months (as usually) so I got the HGH myself.

    But my condition was so bad that I got a priority to see this endo specialist, thats why. I´m really glad I dont have to wait so long as I have got several fractures in the last 6 months.

    I like to know how much I could posibly have raised my own IGF-1 on this short time?


    found this from a prev thead

    meaning my IGF-1 levels shouldn´t been noticably raised. And three day without HGH back to my normal levels!
    Last edited by Darkbarbie; 10-16-2007 at 09:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I dont think your IGF levels will me noticably raised, if they are, its got to be minor...1.5iu is a pretty low dose anyway...
    But I would mention it to him if your IGF levels score to high for him to put you on GH...

    If that happens(that the doc want prescribe you HGH), I would do a couple of IGF-LR3 cycles, which will effect the negativ feedback loop, (causing your natrual IGF production to be even lower than normal), and take a new blood test right after coming off it...

    Good luck anyways!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    GH should help with your bone issues for sure. But it is going to take 7-8 weeks before you get the results. You could start lr3 igf-1 in the mean time?

    I hate to recommend this but we're all adults here. Have you considered something like turanabol in low doses? It's a very mild androgen but a little stronger than anavar. Androgens do wonders for your bones. But I don't want to see you virilize cause you are a beautiful woman I'm sure.

    My personal story with androgens and fractures. I fractured my leg in a motorcycle accident about 14 years ago. I was on sustanon 250 at 500mgs/week at the time of the accident. I told the doc and he said to get off them, of course. I knew test helped healing bones dramatically so I stayed on cycle. 6 weeks later my leg was pretty much totally healed. The doc couldn't believe the x-rays and how fast it healed. He even told me that he hasn't seen a fracture like that heal so fast. He was smiling while telling me like he was some kind of wonder doctor. He was easily in his late 40's to early 50's so he wasn't straight out of med school. He was pointing out to me on the x-ray how the calcium filled and overcompensated where the fracture line was. I kind of smirked and knew why... I was out of my cast a few days later and fully functional again about 2 weeks later after overcoming the atrophy. My God, I was healed....
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 10-18-2007 at 12:08 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Igf is stimulated by HGH, if your levels are high he is going to know what is up.
    IGF is a short lived hormone im not sure clinically how long it will show high levels. If they are high you can say you got done with a strenous workout depending on how high. But if its several times higher than the average your going to have to tell all.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    Igf is stimulated by HGH, if your levels are high he is going to know what is up.
    IGF is a short lived hormone im not sure clinically how long it will show high levels. If they are high you can say you got done with a strenous workout depending on how high. But if its several times higher than the average your going to have to tell all.

    Exaclty. lr3 igf-1 has basically a 24 hr half life, if not shorter. Usually docs start searching for GH secreting tumors (acr0megaly) when they see elevated igf-1 levels way above normal. So if that is the case then you just need to come clean and tell them you are on growth so they don't do unecessary tests.

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