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Thread: Blue tops

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    Blue tops

    Ok I want to dismiss any doubts about generic blue tops potency or they being legit. I've done Jintropin in the past but switched to blue tops because of the low cost. Keep in mind this was before the big crisis in China. I started the generics about 6 months ago and I was doing 6-10 iu's 7 days a week for about 4 months then switched up to 10iu's 3 days a week and even 20iu's 3 days a week. I was using Humalog here and there and some IGF up to 100mcg's a day for 5 weeks. I have never been so lean and vascular without doing a single day of cardio and I still have 200iu's left. There is not a doubt in my mind that the blue tops work. I'm actually kinda scared at how lean I got. I've been eating fast food, pasta, red meat, ice cream, and just about anything you can imagine trying to put some weight back on and it ain't workin. I still have veins running through my abs and across my shins. The little fat I had on my lower back that I could never get rid of is all but gone. My skin is tight as hell and even at 37 years old people tell me I look 27. Currently I haven't trained in 8 weeks due to a shoulder injury and elbow pain. I'm still holding pretty good muscle mass at 190lbs. I have no doubt that as soon as I get back in the gym this week I'll have no problem putting on the 10-15 pounds that will bring me back up to my ideal weight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    do you have the dark blue or the light blue tops?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Kefei blue's are my personal favourites as well. Noticeably better than jin's.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    Ok I want to dismiss any doubts about generic blue tops potency or they being legit. I've done Jintropin in the past but switched to blue tops because of the low cost. Keep in mind this was before the big crisis in China. I started the generics about 6 months ago and I was doing 6-10 iu's 7 days a week for about 4 months then switched up to 10iu's 3 days a week and even 20iu's 3 days a week. I was using Humalog here and there and some IGF up to 100mcg's a day for 5 weeks. I have never been so lean and vascular without doing a single day of cardio and I still have 200iu's left. There is not a doubt in my mind that the blue tops work. I'm actually kinda scared at how lean I got. I've been eating fast food, pasta, red meat, ice cream, and just about anything you can imagine trying to put some weight back on and it ain't workin. I still have veins running through my abs and across my shins. The little fat I had on my lower back that I could never get rid of is all but gone. My skin is tight as hell and even at 37 years old people tell me I look 27. Currently I haven't trained in 8 weeks due to a shoulder injury and elbow pain. I'm still holding pretty good muscle mass at 190lbs. I have no doubt that as soon as I get back in the gym this week I'll have no problem putting on the 10-15 pounds that will bring me back up to my ideal weight.

    So is the GH not doing anything for your elbow or shoulder then??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    I didn't know there were light blue and dark blue tops. I have a pic around here somewhere. I have a bone spur in my left shoulder that has really been acting up since I did a cycle of winstrol. I also have tendonitis in my left elbow that has also gotten worse. I don't think the gh has been much help with that.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    dublin eire
    JERSEYBOY i take it from youre picture that youre bluetops have no labels also,did u buy from the same shop i mentioned in my post..
    its great to hear you had a sound experience from them cause there price its just amazing considering what u could pay for HGH elsewhere
    the jins are not available untill the newyear in china which is march because of new labeling..
    it seems a weak excuse but thats what ive been told

  7. #7
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Blue tops usually come unlabeled.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Looks like the same ones I have, but mine have labels on them?

  9. #9
    light blue is 10iu, dark blue is 4iu

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Blue tops usually come unlabeled.

    No name generics yes. Kefei's have labels shipped with them in a separate envelope.

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