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Thread: (GHRH)/CJC-1295 vs Long R3 IGF-1

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA

    (GHRH)/CJC-1295 vs Long R3 IGF-1

    I'm very intested in these compounds and am going to start one or the other.Does anyone know which is better and why?They seem very similar. My goals are strength,power,recovery and endance plus maybe some fat loss not looking to bulk up.I also deal with random drug tests, these are untestable right?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I think you might find some differences between the two. igf has a very short half life. It is usually taken in very low doses immediately after working out. i have seen a recommendation for 3 times per week protocol.

    cjc 295 is pretty new. it looks very interesting. i believe it is recommended to be taken once or twice per week at a dosage of 30 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.

    if you look at the cost of each, cjc 295 is a lot higher.

    i should say, i have no personal experience with either. like you i have recently been researching the two.

  3. #3
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    I'm leaning toward the Igf-lr3 beacause it is not as new and has been proven...We need more info,anabolic gods shower us with your wisdom!

  4. #4
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    Sep 2007

    CJC-1295 vs IGF-1

    You really can not compare these two peptides. It is the same as asking to compare HGH vs IGF-1 (search for the thread). Taking CJC-1295 stimulates the pituitary to release HGH, so it would be wiser to compare CJC-1295 and taking HGH directly. CJC-1295 should, in theory give you all of the benefits of taking HGH with weekly or biweekly shots (including the benefits of elevated IGF-1 levels from the HGH release). If you take just IGF-1 you will only benefit IGF-1. It is all about what you want to accomplish and what your goals are.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by dak290
    You really can not compare these two peptides. It is the same as asking to compare HGH vs IGF-1 (search for the thread). Taking CJC-1295 stimulates the pituitary to release HGH, so it would be wiser to compare CJC-1295 and taking HGH directly. CJC-1295 should, in theory give you all of the benefits of taking HGH with weekly or biweekly shots (including the benefits of elevated IGF-1 levels from the HGH release). If you take just IGF-1 you will only benefit IGF-1. It is all about what you want to accomplish and what your goals are.

    Thanks I have read the thread about your cycle .It was helpful.I will reserch the threads & online, but the best benifit of HGH is the raised IGF levels right?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious
    I'm very intested in these compounds and am going to start one or the other.Does anyone know which is better and why?They seem very similar. My goals are strength,power,recovery and endance plus maybe some fat loss not looking to bulk up.I also deal with random drug tests, these are untestable right?
    Seeing my goals which do you think would help me most?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Austin, TX
    How much are you paying for ithye cjc-1295? The dosage should be 60 to 250 mcg/Kg every 1-2 weeks. Thats 9 to 37.5mg for a 150lb person, 12 to 50mg for 200...and so on

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexSavant
    How much are you paying for ithye cjc-1295? The dosage should be 60 to 250 mcg/Kg every 1-2 weeks. Thats 9 to 37.5mg for a 150lb person, 12 to 50mg for 200...and so on
    Its $100.00 for 2000 mcg or 2mg. Holy shit if thats right I can't afford it.I guess IGF it is.For that price I could be using Norditropin!It might be cheaper.I know it is.Thanks for claifying the dosage.
    Mother ****er!!! that shit better make me fly for that price!

  9. #9
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    Jul 2004
    Need to know basis.
    Quote Originally Posted by kend
    I think you might find some differences between the two. igf has a very short half life. It is usually taken in very low doses immediately after working out. i have seen a recommendation for 3 times per week protocol.

    cjc 295 is pretty new. it looks very interesting. i believe it is recommended to be taken once or twice per week at a dosage of 30 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.

    if you look at the cost of each, cjc 295 is a lot higher.

    i should say, i have no personal experience with either. like you i have recently been researching the two.
    Alot of info from a guy and his first post. I think that first of all, the person inquiring about the compounds definately needs to do alot more reading and research before considering doing ANY kind of peptide, protien peptide, HGH, AAS, There is so much to learn. Just haunt this forum and ask alot of questions before making a decision about what you are going to do after you just get a couple of your questions answered. I dont mean to sound calous, but some of these peptides are so knew (cjc-1295), you have no idea as to what the long term affects might be. Whatever............

  10. #10
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickster#1
    Alot of info from a guy and his first post. I think that first of all, the person inquiring about the compounds definately needs to do alot more reading and research before considering doing ANY kind of peptide, protien peptide, HGH, AAS, There is so much to learn. Just haunt this forum and ask alot of questions before making a decision about what you are going to do after you just get a couple of your questions answered. I dont mean to sound calous, but some of these peptides are so knew (cjc-1295), you have no idea as to what the long term affects might be. Whatever............
    thanks for your consern but, just becase I'm don't spend every second on a BBforum doesn't mean I'm not a veteran.Just been out of the game and looking to update and educate.I ALWAYS DO AND EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD TOO, and if I read anymore case studies or search any more forums my ****ing head would blow off.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2007

    Price and dosage

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious
    Its $100.00 for 2000 mcg or 2mg. Holy shit if thats right I can't afford it.I guess IGF it is.For that price I could be using Norditropin!It might be cheaper.I know it is.Thanks for claifying the dosage.
    Mother ****er!!! that shit better make me fly for that price!

    The dosage suggestion that "everyone" is throwing around comes from the halted clinical trial. If anyone knows anything about clinical trials, it that the first thing they try to establish is the correct effective safe dosage. Thats why they use different control groups and groups with different dosages (some extremely high). The clinical trial most are referring to, was done in AIDS patients. The IGF-1 serums levels in AIDS patents (and HGH for that matter) are lower then a normal healthy person. This suggests that the pituitary and HGH / IGF-1 pathways of a AIDS patient are compromised. So thus the clinical data is skewed. Thus most people's deductions from the resulting IGF-1 serum levels and the dosages used are not accurate. I am using 1000mcg(about 9mcg/kg) a week and my IGF-1 serum levels are 372ng/ml. According to the clinical trial data I would have to be using 250mcg/kg a week to obtain that result. All clinical trials that I found on CJC-1295 were done on AIDS patients. So none of this data is directly applicable to normal healthy individuals. Recheck your pricing with that dose.

  12. #12
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious
    Seeing my goals which do you think would help me most?
    So you have taken all 3 hgh, cjc-1295 and igf-1r3 which had the most benifits with the least side effects?
    Did you ever take any of these by there self or without the other one?Better yet what does your Endo think about the new peptides?
    Last edited by IntenseAthlete; 10-22-2007 at 10:27 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious
    So you have taken all 3 hgh, cjc-1295 and igf-1r3 which had the most benifits with the least side effects?
    Did you ever taken any these by there self or with out the other one?Better yet what does your Endo think about the new peptides?

    Good question about my Endo. While he will not condone my actions he seems quite intrigued by my experiment. He had never heard of CJC-1295 before I started my research but has since done a lot of reading on it. He is actually the one that helped me with the dosing scheme I am currently using. He does not like me using IGF-1 because high dosages in humans have not been studied yet. (but I use moderate doses for a short period) Also I was off of the Long R3 IGF-1 for a week before my blood work so he said that it did not affect the results. CJC-1295 is simply the Growth hormone releasing Hormone (GHRH) responsible for HGH's release from the pituitary, but the GHRH in CJC-1295 is modified (bioconjugativated) to resists the body's on mechanisms for deactivating the normal GHRH. Because of this the HGH you are getting is the purest most potent form (made by your own body). He said he would rather me do rHGH or CJC-1295, but if he had his choice I would be on none.

    My opinion:
    So the human HGH and rHGH (recombinant HGH; synthetic) may differ in potency because of their tertiary structure may be slightly different. (Shape determines the interaction of the polypeptide and it's receptor) Thus making one more potent then the other. The HGH molecule is only meant to exist a short period of time in the body so it is inherently fragile. Reconstituted rHGH is shown to have the bio-identical amino acid sequence of human HGH but to have a slightly different tertiary structure (shape) then human HGH via electron microscopy. This doesn't make it useless but slightly less effective then the natural HGH. This may also account for the potency differences between US and China rHGHs, since manufacturing processes can affect tertiary structure also. And by the way, I am Biopharmaceutical-Engineering consultant, so I know a little about complex proteins. Just my take from my background.

    Anyway sorry for the science lesson, let get back on track.

    My goal has always been to shred fat and lean up. I would say that the sides for CJC-1295 and rHGH are the same. It depends on your dosage to the degree of sides you get. As for Igf-1, I do not really get sides. I use it along with dbol to kickstart my all my cycles. It seems to make your muscles (especially the ones you inject it in) extremely hard and gives you good pumps. I suspect this is do to its shuttling affect and increased blood flow. Also I believe IGF-1 also help me shed fat also, but has a limited duration of usage. So it depends on how much you wanna lose i guess. I like all 3. Until CJC-1295 (or other GH releasing chemicals) proves they're safe and effective, then rHGH is probally your best bet. But I believe the industry will eventual find a GH releasing compound that with surpass the limitation of rHGH. Thats why I am trying CJC-1295.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I've heard people using CJC-1295 as a HRT regime. Would you think injecting this peptide once a week would gain you as many benefits as using 2iu hgh ED? Regarding skin, fatloss, improved sleep etc.

  15. #15
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    Quote Originally Posted by henry porter2
    I've heard people using CJC-1295 as a HRT regime. Would you think injecting this peptide once a week would gain you as many benefits as using 2iu hgh ED? Regarding skin, fatloss, improved sleep etc.
    search the other thread by dak with cjc-1295 in the title

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