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Thread: igf vs hgh for fat loss

  1. #1

    igf vs hgh for fat loss

    i have loads of igf so is there really any point in buying loads of gh to help with my cut? as hgh breaks down in to igf anyway arnt thay basicly the same thing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    a portion of HGH breaks down into IGF...however the portion known as Tyr176-hGH(176-191), coded as AOD9604 is being tested as the "fatloss" section and being sld by some research companies now. The prtion 176-191 is not linked to IGF conversion nor is it speculated to have any growth effect...just fatloss. This could bring some to the conclusion that IGF would not promote fatloss as well as GH.

    I know GH works well....I have no experience with IGF or AOD9604, so this is just theory on my part

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG F'ING D
    i have loads of igf so is there really any point in buying loads of gh to help with my cut? as hgh breaks down in to igf anyway arnt thay basicly the same thing?

    HGH doesn't "break down" into IGF1 it stimulates the body to produce more of its own IGF1, among other effects it has. HGH is more active than just in producing more IGF-1. it effects several areas, not all well documented. teh IGF-1 effects of HGH are well known and widely accepted as the predominant factor in hgh-induced muscle growth. HGH does far more than just increase the IGF-1 in your body...

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