I have been on 4 I/U HGH for a while now and bumped it up to 6 IU/day (3IU 5Am & 3 IU 2pm) but I have noticed that last time I lifted I had a hard time controlling th bench press bar due to pins/needles/tingling in my hands. Tonight I went to work out and it was worse and even casued me to cut my day WAY short... I assume the correct answer here is cut back down and go up more slowly... just checking to see if there is another answer that will allow me to stay at this dosing as I want to get the recovery/muscle building effects from this GH cycle, not just fat loss.
for the record I'm 31 (in DEC) 3 cycles before and now I'm on test/tren/winny/GH at 215lbs and mayb 14-15%BF but A-hole trainers at the new gym are always too busy to test my BF%