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Thread: hgh post workout

  1. #1

    hgh post workout

    is it a good idea to take gh post workout.i know its good to take it in the morning and around 3 pm and i know you should not take it before workout.but what about post workout.i am taking anabolics but no humalog for the next month or workout i take my protein and carbs (dextrose),so i suppose not a good idea to take gh post workout right,it would interfere with the carbs.i am on a mass cycle.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    When it comes to HGH dosing times, there is no bad time to take HGH as long as you're not interupting you natural production. I guess your next question is "when does your body produce its own hgh?". This would be hard to answer as your body can produce HGH at anytime throughout the day. So unless we have some type of device which tells us when our body is going to produce its own HGH, it will be hard measure when it's a good time to take HGH.

    However, I do know the following which can help you decide when its a good time to take HGH. We know that our body releases its own HGH about 8 - 10 times per day. One main release happens while we are asleep, and that's why it would be fairly safe to have a dose in the AM upon waking up since your body has just released its own spurt of HGH not too long ago. The other 7 - 9 releases happen sometime in the day. We also know when we exercise your body "can" produce its own HGH so I guess having a dose before training would be a "miss or hit". If you take your HGH before traininng and your body happens to release its own HGH while training then you will interupt your natural production. You defenitely do not want that. If you want to be on the safe side I say never have a shot right before training. I would rather miss out on having HGH while training than interupting my own production. If you are keen on having a shot before training I say have a shot a few hours before you train, but not right before training. A shot PWO would be safer than a shot before workout IMO.

    Also, we must remember, since our body releases its own HGH up to 10 times per day, even if we interupt one natural spurt, there are still up to 9 natural spurts to come. So I guess what I am trying to say is interupting one spurt out of nine can't be so bad, but having said this we still want to try and avoid interupting our natural production.

    As for taking HGH before bed, funny you bring this up because I just took the time to explain this in another thread but I guess here we go again. The younger you are, the more GH your body will release and the more chance there is of your body releasing its own HGH while you are asleep. The older you are the less GH your body produces and the less chance there is of your body producing HGH while you're asleep. Having know this, I would say if you're a younger user then a shot before bed wouldn't be so wise. But, if you have a condition where your body does not produce enough HGH or if you are an older user then a shot before bed may certainly be beneficial.

    I guess what we need to know is where do we draw the line in regards to "young & old". Going by what I have read and discussed with the people who are more qualafied in the field, I would say if you are over 40 years of age it would be "ok" to have a shot before bed. But that's still not a firm answer as every body reacts differently, but generally people who are 40 years of age and over produce a lot less of their own HGH than a user who is 20 years of age.

    The key would be to somehow be able to figure out when our body will produce its own HGH, untill then we are going to have to take the risk of interupting our natural production.

    Just one more thing before I go, I see you are taking carbohydrates PWO and if that's the case I would still take your carbs/protein immidietly PWO and have your HGH about an hour later.

    Hope that explained a few things.


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