Can someone set the record straight for how long its active in the body???
Ive heard 4hours 6 hrs and 8. what the real deal.
Can someone set the record straight for how long its active in the body???
Ive heard 4hours 6 hrs and 8. what the real deal.
It starts to exit your system at the 5 hour mark post injection and is in your system for almost 8 hours.
so I must wait 8 hrs to comsume fats. Man Ive been adding them at 5-6 hrs post injection. guess Ill have to hold off more time.
can you elaborate? Why are you waiting to consume fats afterward? Why are you even consuming fats? R U talking about EFA (essential fatty acids) like o m e g a 3-6-9? If so what's the deal. Please explain why you wait til after the humilin is exiting the system. I though insulin only deals with sugars. I'm assuming the insulin is affected by fats/oils.
Insulin effects any type of nutrients you consume including the fats.
With R, consuming fats 5 - 6 hours post injection isn't so bad because at that time insulin is on its way out of your system and its nutrient shuttling properties are weak. I really wouldn't worry too much if you have been consuming fats 5 - 6 hours post injection.
I had no idea man and I have taken a lot of biochem classes. So insulin can shuttle the fats into the cells out of the blood stream too. And this guy is afraid of the fats getting stored. Thanks for clearing this up for me gear.
Gear, can I pm you or email you my cut diet? I want to make sure it can go with insulin. i know that sounds weird but i just want to make damn sure i eat correctly after injecting humulin r.
If you are cutting, the last thing you want to do is use insulin. You see, when insulin is in the picture the chances of fat storage increase by far, and this is the last thing you want if you are cutting. It's really easy to store fat when using insulin. Insulin can certainly be used while trying to shed fat, but you really have to have your diet in tact, and since this is your first time with insulin I recomend not to use this compound while cutting.
awesome. well i was cutting but decided to drop it and bulk for the Missouri state. so i will need all the mass i can get. all pointers are greatly appreciated!
Start a new thread, lay out everything you're doing and we'll go from there.
this is interesting ..... what would you do if u where on a high fat diet like a polumbo typ would the R be taken
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