Ok so with ordering being the way it is I figured that i would try the old fashioned way. Well, trying to get hgh a friend found red top hgh, supposedly. When he got them he said he was confused b/c the kid was claiming one vial was one kit a.k.a 100ius. My friend let research this before the transaction was final.
Finding out this wasn't true didn't take too long but i found that there is also generic igf that comes in red tops, however i'm not sure if they are 1mg or 2mg.
Unfortunately, I was 100ius into a jino kit and after 5 days being off i said **** it and put in 2 mls of ba. At the time i didn't realize this could be igf and thought that this could hold me over a week until another solution presents itself.
The 2mls of BA were put into the vial at 930AM on saturday. I don't have any AA in the vial nor do I have any syringe filters on hand.
Does anyone know where i could purchase a microfilter on a sunday???
Or is distilled white vinegar sterile enough to mix without the filtering it first.
It just sucks because if it is igf in a day it may be completely degraded. Or will the igf last longer with the BA alone.
thanks and sorry for the length.