i got some questions
- how many gains can i except using hgh 10ui 3x /week during about 1 month (100UI total)?
- what are bad possibles effects?
i got some questions
- how many gains can i except using hgh 10ui 3x /week during about 1 month (100UI total)?
- what are bad possibles effects?
No gains. You would have to run it for 6 months or more for best results.
LOL king web you beat me to it
ok Canadian meat beat me to hit the post button about 2 seconds before me lol
really?? its useless under 6 months? not even 2/3kg per month?
lets move this to the correct forum, more will answer..
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
what you can expect is joint pain and water retention..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
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I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
like ricker said you really need do some research
Thanks for moving spy.
If you want to take proper advatnage of HGH you really need to use it for an extended period of time. I would say no less than 4 months but even then I wouldn't expect miracles. A good HGH cycle would go for at least 6 months. The longer the cycle the better.
One month of HGH at high or low doses will do nothing for you as mentioned. The first effect that HGH creates is fat loss, and the muscle gains come much later. Fat loss benefits usually start appearing about 8 - 12 weeks into the cycle so like I said a minimum of 4 months of use is required if you want noticable gains.
at least 6 months if you use it ED, but take 10ui 3x /week don't offer fastest effects?
nobody use it like this? (10ui 3x /week)
The 3 x per week protocol is fairly popular these days.
how many gains can i except using GH 3 x 10ui per week for 4 months?
(muscles gain only, not total because i'll lose fat)
Everyone is different when it comes to gains as everyones genetics, diet and training structure is different. Some react better to HGH as well.
i know, thats like all products, but give me examples
because thats very expansive i don't want to throw away my cash
You will experience nice muscle gains at 10IU 3 times per week but you need to go for longer than 4 months.
nice like a good dbol/sust/deca cycle? thanks (20lb or more)
Adding AAS would be wise if you are after strength/size.
i'm after strength/size but i prefer don't add testo because thats make me lot of hypertension
what do you recommand? GH only isn't enough powerful you think?
HGH deliveres size and strength benefits, but it may be a while till you see some "serious" size/strength gains from HGH alone. This means it would be a fairly expensive way to gain these type of gains and therefore probably wouldn't be worth it IMO.
Most will use AAS for size and strength, and use HGH to produce new cells. Whatever strength and size gains HGH brings down the track is a bonus. That's the way I look at it anyway.
ok i understand thanks a lot
does IGF is better to see nice gains faster IYO?
IGF will create gains faster, but don't expect miracles. IGF gains are nothing like AAS gains. As a matter of fact, when it comes to size and strength, nothing compares to AAS. IGF may harden you up a little and make you feel pumped. Perhaps a few more LB may occur on the scales and your strength may go up a little, but all these benefits are hardly noticable when using IGF and that's why I said don't expect miracles.
IGF is like HGH in a way. One cycle won't bring out anything major. It's the type of drug where you have to use ON and OFF for a while to finally start seeing gains.
thanks Gear, this give me a more clear idea..
since GH has sort half life, you think the 3x /week protocol is suitable?
GH 3 times per week has been quite popular lately so I would defenitely give that protocol the thumbs-up.
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