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Thread: injection questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    injection questions

    Hey guyz, I've decided to jump on the hgh band wagon and picked up a box of saizen 240iu kit. What i need to know is what is the best size needle to use ( needle lenth and gauge ) and where to inject. I will start with 3iu eod and work my way from there. I understand the stomach and butt is the 2 best areas??/ Thanks for any help and advice !!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx View Post
    Hey guyz, I've decided to jump on the hgh band wagon and picked up a box of saizen 240iu kit. What i need to know is what is the best size needle to use ( needle lenth and gauge ) and where to inject. I will start with 3iu eod and work my way from there. I understand the stomach and butt is the 2 best areas??/ Thanks for any help and advice !!

    I don't have your answers but if that is you in your avi then what are your goals with the HGH.

  3. #3
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    hehehe, ya thats me !! I am looking to put a few more quality pounds on and try to stay around 10% That pick was a week out from a show so I don't look ike that all the time wish I could but hey !!!! I am now around 230 and around 12-14 %

  4. #4
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    That is exact the body I would like live my life in, without putting all the efforts to it.
    When it comes to needle size the one I shall use is 1CC 29gague 1/2"
    Have used those for other sub-injections and they work great.
    You have slower absorbtion in the fat above the knee compared to the stomach area(from what I have read on insulin injections). I don't know if thats something to consider when it comes to hgh injections.

  5. #5
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    Thanks henry for the positive remarks !! and for the info on the size thing. I bought a bunch at 3/10 cc and 29g. 1/2 " so guess I am good to go??? little nervous for some reason I am a long time user so shouldn't really bother me but I dunno guess its just the HGH thing

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    Any size insulin syringes will do, it really makes no difference. Inject sub-q around the belly area, perhaps an inch or so away from the belly is a good spot.

    Once you've done it you will realise how easy it is. Saizen is gold, use it wisely.

    Good luck.


  7. #7
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    right on thanks Gear !!! If I could ask, when would be a good time to bump up to 3 or 4 iu eod?? I am going to start with 2 iu for a month and see how i take to it as this is my first experience with this stuff and bump it to 4 after a month. Does this sound right?? I am also on test 400 and cyp.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    I would take it real easy when bumping the dose, especially if you're a first timer. Increasing the dose by too much at a time can lead to unbareable side effects. I would stay on one dose for at least 2 weeks, a month is even better. And when increasing the dose, increase by no more than 1IU at a time.

    All the best.


  9. #9
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    It's not just the sides you feel, its the other things that might happen to your body as well. I just went to an HRT doc. this morning. He was amazed that I was using 5IU's of GH a day and was telling me the bad things that might happen to you. The worst would be the insulin resistance that you (GEAR) have intellegently warned people about. And please don't take this in any offensive way Gear, but when they are pulling 7 vials of blood out of your arm you tend to hear what the doc is saying just a little bit better. On the good side for some odd reason I grew 3/4" taller and my body fat is down to 7.5% after having gained about 10lbs. (they did a body density scan using some weird new machine). Much more precise than the caliper test or the water test. BTW on my 5th month of GH. So it is working. Can't wait to see what the blood tests say!!!

  10. #10
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    Well just did my first shot I just realized now that I did 3 iu's instead of 2 is that 2 much to start with??? OOOPS !!!! will correct next shot !!! Ohhh, I read that if you shake up your bottle of hgh real vigoriously it will go cloudy and if it does it is real, is there any truth to that anybody know ???

  11. #11
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    scottroxx Your Never supose to shake it Vigorously ....!!!!!! Ever it will Kill the lyophilized CELLS !!!!!! Swirl it gently until it dissolves completely

    shaking can result in a cloudy or hazy solution. (If the solution is cloudy or hazy, do not inject it; return the vial to your pharmacist or healthcare provider.

    Hope this Helps

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
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    You could probably keep on taking 3IU, it's still considered as a low dose.


  13. #13
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    i started at 3 with no problem. now i do 3, 3.5, 3.5 then back to 3iu. just because it makes it easy with the 10iu bottles.

  14. #14
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    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    You could probably keep on taking 3IU, it's still considered as a low dose.

    And chuck the vial you shook up, it is probably trash.

  15. #15
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    OK, well there's an expensive lesson learned !!! I did shake the shit out of it and it didn't really go cloudy, it did have a slight haze or tinge to it but went back to perfectly clear. Does it stay cloudy after shaken vigoriously??

  16. #16
    Gear's Avatar
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    It won't necessaraly always go cloudy.


  17. #17
    Join Date
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    thanx Gear, I've read a wack of your posts, you certainly know alot about this stuff !! nice to have ya around ...peace bro...

  18. #18
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx View Post
    thanx Gear, I've read a wack of your posts, you certainly know alot about this stuff !! nice to have ya around ...peace bro...
    Always glad to be here. See you around the board.


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