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Thread: Saizen human growth hormone hyperplasia

  1. #1

    Saizen human growth hormone hyperplasia

    Hey guys,

    At what point does using human growth hormone cause hyperplasia?Is it over a period of time or is it dosage related? I'm considering running 2-3iu's of saizen while on test and then for as long as I can afford to keep it up. I was originally just going to use it for fat loss and joint strength, but can it have a pronounced affect when stacked with testosterone to cause even more muscle beyond my genetics since it can create new cells?
    I'm 23 by the way.


  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    There is no set dosage for hyperplasia benefits. HGH causes this wonderful benefit regardless of dose, but more importantly it is the cycle length that matters more in this case since HGH takes a while to start producing any type of benefits including hyperplasia. Having said this, in order to fully benefit from HGH, it would be wise to use this compound on long term basis.

    HGH dosing is also important, but the dose depends on what you want to achieve as well as your age. HGH + test is a super combo, no question about it. Now all you have to work out is cycle lengths and how much you want to use when using these two compounds.

    In most cases, 2 - 3IU of HGH will create some nice fat loss benefits and the test will take care of the muscle gains. Once again, it really depends on how old you are in order to give you more of an accurate answer.

    Good luck.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    you are 23 and therefore 2-3 iu will not do much for u, because your natural igf is very hight.

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    I totally missed the age part, thanks X.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx*** View Post
    you are 23 and therefore 2-3 iu will not do much for u, because your natural igf is very hight.
    Yeah I read mixed reviews about this. I know for at least the saizen brand that young guys like myself are getting great fat loss on small amounts . I know that uk steroid guru guy's son chris was only taking 4iu eod during a cycle and 2iu eod for maintance and he grew like crazy compared to his first year on anabolics without the HGH and kept the anabolic dosages about the same. So I'm not sure what will happen and is going to be a costly experiment:-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Sorry to bump an old thread but what does how much HGH he uses have to do with his natural IGF levels/his age?


  7. #7
    His body will already produce enough hgh at 23, if he introduces synthetic hgh into his body it could affect his own production thus affecting hif igf levels. Which is why it is better to wait until your 30s (my own personal oinion) also at 23 the amount of gh you would need to take to see even minimal results would be ridiculous. At 23 i would stay natty or if you really must insist then try maybe some cjc&ghrp when waking if needed.

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