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Thread: IGF1-Lr3...not enough, or bunk goods?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    IGF1-Lr3...not enough, or bunk goods?

    Hey everybody. I just started IGF1-Lr3 this past week, 40mcg post workout into the muscles trained. However, I just don't get these feelings that everyone's talking about...the prolonged "pump" and stuff. I don't know if the IGF name counts as an UGL, so just to be safe I won't post the name...but I'll give you a's a trop. LOL.

    I followed the mixing to a T and have had everything refrigerated since it arrived. Think I should bump the does up to 60mcg's and give it a shot? Or do you think I may have just invested in a crappy product?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    IGF doesn't create a super feeling. Some will get a pump from it some won't. The dose you're on probably has a lot to do with it since that dose isn't that much, but it's still a good starting dose.

    If you feel fine on 40mcg, bump the dose up a bit. Just FYI, most will be happy when using 60 - 80mcg per day. There should be no need to take anymore.

    PM me the source and I'll confirm it if you like.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    I'm with Gear on this one. I've ran it MANY of times and only feel the "pump" at around 80mcg. Many different protocols out there Sergio but 80-100 has worked best for me.

  4. #4
    I agree with spike. I tryed it at 40-50 mcg and it didnt do a thing. At 80-100 got all the benefits. Expensive stuff but I love to use it during PCT.

  5. #5
    I'm running it at 90mcgs EOD postworkout. I get great pumps in the gym, and have a somewhat tight feeling the rest of the time. Nothing totally dramatic. Remember we are using this for what it will do in the future 6 months from now. Hopefully it will build additional muscle fibers and help to mature some of your lagging muscle groups.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    This is expensive stuff, I'm thinking of using it to help with size on my arms and maybe delts.
    Have you guys noticed serious results using it?

  7. #7
    With all the research I have done, site injections seem to be a misnomer. To be honest i haven't really noticed that much. I still have 2 wweks left out of a 4 week cycle. it is expensive but I thought I needed to give it a try.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Sunny California
    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man View Post
    With all the research I have done, site injections seem to be a misnomer. To be honest i haven't really noticed that much. I still have 2 wweks left out of a 4 week cycle. it is expensive but I thought I needed to give it a try.
    I read the same thing about site injections, however after using IGF I would say that site specific injections showed positive results!
    I only used one cycle of 4 weeks and saw good results by the second week and by week 4 was totally amazed. I think you guys might want to add something like vitagro after the IGF shot. Might be quality issue?

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