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  1. #1
    bogdan84uzy's Avatar
    bogdan84uzy is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Exclamation clinical results of HGH for HEIGHT????

    hi!i am interested what are the results on the children until 18years old with HGH??HOW MUCH THEY GROW??i have heard that some parents make this kind of treatment to their's children,not because they have HGH deficiency,just because they want to grow taller then is true?it if they don't have HGH deficiency(hipopytuitarism),and they received this kind of treatment,they can develop ACR*****LY?or others complications like diabet or thyroid insuficiency?
    also i know that HGH it is specific to every breed veterinary use i can find HGH for is good for dog also,i am whonder??...for the same reason...for a puppy to grow in height...
    thnks very much and pls answer only if you know,and don't ask why i am interested on this thing...thanks

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    HGH is a serious drug with potential serious side effects. Parents canot obtain HGH for their child just because they want their kid to end up taller. There are certainly requirements to meet in order to obtain a HGH script.

    Patients who are treated for short stature are usually young children. As said above, they also must meet certain requirements to obtain HGH.

    I don't know anything about veterinary medicine so I canot help you with that matter.


  3. #3
    bogdan84uzy's Avatar
    bogdan84uzy is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    thanks bro!!i didn't want to say that parents will do the treatment...i have said that doctors also give HGH to young children to grow taller that their genetic.with the accord of the parents,of course.but you know how much the patiens have grow from this kind of treatment(the results)??how much inch???thanks

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