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Here's my protocol so far:
Days 1-28 HGH 3IU ed (7 days per week) in the am upon waking up
Days 1-28 MGF 100mcg pwo (4 days per week)
Days 1-28 T3 12.5mcg ed am and 12.5mcg ed before bed
For now I'm doing 300mg of test cyp 2 times per week, after 8 weeks I'm going to prime my body by doing a very calorie restricted diet, and then I'm going to do a 6 week cycle of prop/tren at pretty high doses.
Today was my sixth shot of growth. I plan on ramping up to 5IU ed by the 3rd month and switching to a 5/2 schedule. I will be alternating MGF and IGF every other month for the 9 month duration of my planned HGH run. I am also going to introduce insulin pwo starting on the second month probably 5-10IU. I'm currently 30yo, 6', 247lb and probably 15% bf. My diet currently is pretty clean, I'm around 2400calories ed, and I'm doing 45 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week in the morning as soon as I wake up and shoot my growth. I work out 4 days a week at lunchtime, and do more cardio after work 3 days a week. My goal is to drop below 10% bf at around 200lbs or more and to maintain as much strength as possible. Every time I start to cut, when I start losing strenght it messes with my mind and I always quit. My shoulders are also KILLING ME now, so I'm hoping this will help alleviate that pain. I always use NPP or decca and I'm sick of trying to keep the gyno at bay, so I'm avoiding 19nors. Oh yeah, the growth I'm doing is generic unlableled yellow tops. My source gave me the option of getting 2,4,6,8,10,20 or 50 IU vials, and I got the 10iu vials. He calls them jinghgh, so I'm under the impression they are jintropin, but I guess time will tell.