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Thread: GH noob

  1. #1

    GH noob

    Ok so ive finished my AAS and my pct, and i wanna try gh, im a boxer in the u.k military. my stats are 5ft7 190lbs and 12% bf. Im experienced with gear but am a total noob when it comes to GH. Im looking to strip down to 8% as well as pack on some lean musscle mass. Thing is as im 32 it a little harder than it used to be to get that last bit of stubborn fat off. My diet is clean and the clen+T3s just wont budge it. Can anybody explain to me in laments terms step by step? i have a years supply ansomone an Jins. Any help apprecited Bro,s

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by petethemanc View Post
    Ok so ive finished my AAS and my pct, and i wanna try gh, im a boxer in the u.k military. my stats are 5ft7 190lbs and 12% bf. Im experienced with gear but am a total noob when it comes to GH. Im looking to strip down to 8% as well as pack on some lean musscle mass. Thing is as im 32 it a little harder than it used to be to get that last bit of stubborn fat off. My diet is clean and the clen+T3s just wont budge it. Can anybody explain to me in laments terms step by step? i have a years supply ansomone an Jins. Any help apprecited Bro,s
    bro i'm 37 and get down to just over 3% when competing without clen and t3, so i don't want to hear you can't burn that stubborn fat off. it's all diet and cardio and if you're doing that right then clen and t3 would help alot. anyways your question about hgh start off with 2iu's and work your way up slowly.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    HGH can defenitely assist in shedding bodyfat but it's an expensive way to loose fat. One year worth of HGH at lower doses (3IU p/day) will do wonders for you providing you eat well and follow a good cardio/training schedule.

    HGH seems to lower your T4 so I would add some T4 @ 50 - 100mcg p/day, and since you're shedding fat I would add some clen in there anyway. It can only benefit you.

    Best of luck.


  4. #4
    Firstly guys, thanks for the replies. What im after is, do i inject just under the skin after pinching or can i just jab anywhere in the fatty area?

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Anywhere in the fatty area.


  6. #6
    Cheers bro. Gear you the man when it comes to GH

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