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Thread: Igf 1

  1. #1

    Igf 1

    Ok, ive run igf 1 at 10-20mcgs a day, and i also ran the protocol of 40mcgs a PWO...both times i didn't really see much its probaby cause i got my stuff from a bad source, real cheap compared to most places...

    anyway, i first ran 40mcg PWO until i read dave palumbos 10-20mcg protocol, which seemed to make more sense....which protocol do u think is better?

    Im gonna run hgh at 4ius when i get my kits and i want to add igf1 to the mix

    (READ THE RULES -Gear)

    Any help would be appreciated


  2. #2
    wow are u guys serious??

    21 views and not one person can answer my fat F&#*&@ piece of &#^#^@* question u mother^#%@& son of a ^^%@&(# &^%$@*
    hadoken &^%$! peanut butter and jelly #&!^@()#

    but seriously

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    nobody is oging to PM you a scource due to the "operation raw deal" and they are now apparently going after peptides as well which is mega lame IMO but thats the government for you. AS far as your how to take it, ive read 40mcg PWO 20mcg shot into each muscle worked out (guessing the major muscle group if you do 2 body parts a day) Ive also read it doesnt matter because IGF1LR3 is abosorbed into your bloodstream and is used throughout your body versus IGF1 which is local. Also Ive read and heard peoples results as in gaining maybe 1-2 lbs. What your doing is creating new muscle which you can grow while cycleing or use the IGF by itself and grow it natty or with a cycle...however you choose i guess. But hopefully that answers your question

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    You're stuff wasn't necessaraly bunk. You won't get too much from IGF unless you use higher doses. But even at higher doses many don't rate this compound too highly.

    I've never ran Dave's protocol so I can't comment how effective it would be. I usually stick to what works for me.

    Please read the the rules. Last question you asked is against the board rules.


  5. #5
    My bad Gear...

    Well thanks for answering...

    Im totally against the government doing anything like that...Personally after doing much research, it is apparent to me we live in a fascist police state...we dont have anymore rights and privacy left, and what we do have left, is being taken away under the guise of "national security" or the fake "terrorist" threat...Usually when governments take away things for example weed, there is a reason on their part, like they wont be able to profit on it or control it...when it comes to juice, i dont see why they make it illegal other than the "excuse" that it would lead to our childrens should be 21yrs of age to purchase juice and thats how it should be..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ramp up doses or you wont feel any effect from igf 1

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