This is my first post.Im Japanese ,cause this thread is littale mistaken.It's very sorry.But Could you anser my question?
I have trained over 15years,and competete some BB contest,and experiensed some cycles,incuding Tests,some Anabolics,HGH,T4 and Insulin.
But I coudn't riped to the bones. Looking very smooth on stage....Maybe I think,it's deponds on my Insulin intake preparetion for contests.
Then,I have some quesion about taking Insulin for preperation.
Should I take Insulin or not ,even untill loosing fat.While dieting , if cut all the Insulin intake,I'm afraid of that I will loose mass that made from Insulin.
For next season ,I planed take drugs,Tests,Anabolics,HGH 10IU(5dayon,2dayoff),T4,and Insulin.
For dietting(cutting cycle),should I stop taking Insulin? Or is there something effective method to ripped to the bones with taking Insulin.
Please give some advicies