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Thread: HGH Sides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    New Zealand

    Unhappy HGH Sides


    Started taking Saizen (3mg) last Wednesday. Doc put me on 5 IU per day and 5 days on and 2 days off. He suggested as I was starting on the Wednesday that I take 10 IU Wednesday and Thursday and Then 5 IU Friday, rest for the weekend and then back to 5 IU from the Monday.

    Since Monday I have got some really bad pain and swelling in my right foot, assume this is an HGH side based on what I have read.

    Can't say I am surprised to find that you guys know more than the people prescribing this stuff!!

    Also after reading the Reb Barrons Info seems that my Doc is an idiot as the worse thing he could do was start me at such a high dose.

    Should I just reduce the dose and if I do how long will it take for the sides to go??

    Or should I stop taking for a few days and start a fresh in a week or so, maybe start on a dose of 2 IU??

    Foot is really killing me

    Thanks, really appreciate your advice

    Bear Cat22

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I am quite surprised that your doc has prescribed you HGH at such a high dose, and I'm even more surprised he suggested you take 10IU. I guess obtaining a HGH prescription @ 5IU p/day is always a good thing though, so well done.

    Experienced users can get away with starting on a higher dose because they know how their body reacts, but if you are a first timer I would defenitely start on a lower dose, perhaps 3IU per day is a good starting dose.

    It's hard to say when side effects will disappear as everyone is different, but I do know once you've given your body the correct dose the side effects can go away within days.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Inside Your Old Lady
    Mano , are you taking this in one shot

  4. #4
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    Yeah I'm with GEAR on this one. What was the reason your doc prescribed it anyway? I don't think they even prescribe that much to AIDS patients. I've had my feet swell but not just one and not in a week. It wasn't painful either. The foot thing may be something else entirely.

  5. #5
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy View Post
    Yeah I'm with GEAR on this one. What was the reason your doc prescribed it anyway? I don't think they even prescribe that much to AIDS patients. I've had my feet swell but not just one and not in a week. It wasn't painful either. The foot thing may be something else entirely.

    I am new to this so maybe I screwed up the calc's. Siazen 3mg diluted with 5ml water. Then injecting 100 units (insulin) at a time assuming this is 10 IU or am I totally wrong???

    Sorry not trying to mislead you guys!!

    Bear Cat22

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Inside Your Old Lady
    Think you need to go and visit the Red Baron again

  7. #7
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by JuicedUpCanuk View Post
    Think you need to go and visit the Red Baron again
    Ok looks like I might have to about halve those, oops. Still have stopped taking to see if the foot gets better and will start again on a lower dose.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    dont halve it just add .9ml of dilutent to it and then you will have 9iu's approx.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bear Cat22 View Post

    Started taking Saizen (3mg) last Wednesday. Doc put me on 5 IU per day and 5 days on and 2 days off. He suggested as I was starting on the Wednesday that I take 10 IU Wednesday and Thursday and Then 5 IU Friday, rest for the weekend and then back to 5 IU from the Monday.

    Since Monday I have got some really bad pain and swelling in my right foot, assume this is an HGH side based on what I have read.

    Can't say I am surprised to find that you guys know more than the people prescribing this stuff!!

    Also after reading the Reb Barrons Info seems that my Doc is an idiot as the worse thing he could do was start me at such a high dose.

    Should I just reduce the dose and if I do how long will it take for the sides to go??

    Or should I stop taking for a few days and start a fresh in a week or so, maybe start on a dose of 2 IU??

    Foot is really killing me

    Thanks, really appreciate your advice

    Bear Cat22

    I can't believe your doc would prescribe 5iu per day of saizen when I know of bro's getting sides from just 2iu per day on saizen.

    That's like equal to 10iu per day of blue tops...dang that's some doc you got....lucky
    Last edited by fossilfuel7; 11-30-2007 at 12:11 AM. Reason: .

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Inside Your Old Lady
    It should be stated on the vile, it will either be ius or mg . If in mg the conversion is commonly stated 1mg = 3iu , This will tell you how many ius per vile of hg usally comes in 10iu viles . The rest is simple : 1ml of water or watever you are useing = 100iu then you take # of ius from your lable and divide into . 1ml=100iu/10=10iu now if you are useg a u-100 insulin needle , for our pupose every 10 mark on the pin = 1iu Hope this helps you but I am no expert . gears the man to talk to
    Last edited by JuicedUpCanuk; 11-30-2007 at 12:47 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    Gear's always the man

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Inside Your Old Lady

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