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Thread: combination with aas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    combination with aas

    Gear i hope you can help me out here. I am still a newby when it comes down to advanced stuff such as: IGF/HGH/Slin etc. I am currently reading as much as I can to hopefuly run a cycle with them when I am ready.

    Right now what I plan on doing is just continue to only use aas for at least one year. I want to do 10-12 week cycles and then do a 4-5week PCT after that take 8 weeks rest and start a new cycle. That's the plan for now.

    But I am always thinking ahead. So what I have been wondering is when I plan to take it to the next level. I want to add slin/igf/mgf to bridge between cycles. Now a typical protocol would be 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. But the thing is I can't come up with....don't know how to say it...I can't come up with a good way to use them. I will explain what I mean. I think the best time to run this combi is at least 4 weeks in a normal aas cycles to make the best gaines and also have 4 weeks in the PCT to recover faster and don't have a huge fall back. But if you plan on taking 4 weeks on and off for a year around the time your next slin/igf/mgf cycle may not exactly fall into your aas cycle or your PCT. Yesterday I played around for hours in excel trying to somehow fit it with each other but it just doesn't work.

    what do you think i should do?

    /edit I came up with this. What do you think of it

    week1 AAS SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week2 AAS SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week3 AAS SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week4 AAS SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week5 AAS SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week6 AAS SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week7 AAS
    week8 AAS
    week9 AAS
    week10 AAS
    week11 AAS
    week12 AAS
    week13 PCT SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week14 PCT SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week15 PCT SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week16 PCT SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week17 REST SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week18 REST SLIN/IGF/MGF
    week19 REST
    week20 REST
    week21 REST
    week22 REST
    week23 REST
    week24 REST
    Last edited by Towel; 11-30-2007 at 04:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I would defenitely use IGF and insulin through PCT, so nothing wrong there. I like how you're planning on running insulin and IGF two weeks post PCT, that's a great idea.

    I also like to run my IGF and insulin at the beginning of my cycle hoping it will give me a bit of a boost so nothing wrong there either.

    This is another option though:

    week1 AAS IGF/MGF
    week2 AAS IGF/MGF
    week3 AAS IGF/MGF
    week4 AAS IGF/MGF
    week5 AAS IGF/MGF
    week6 AAS IGF/MGF
    week7 AAS SLIN
    week8 AAS SLIN
    week9 AAS SLIN
    week10 AAS SLIN
    week11 AAS SLIN
    week12 AAS SLIN
    week13 PCT IGF/MGF
    week14 PCT IGF/MGF
    week15 PCT IGF/MGF
    week16 PCT IGF/MGF
    week17 REST IGF/MGF
    week18 REST IGF/MGF
    week19 REST
    week20 REST
    week21 REST
    week22 REST
    week23 REST
    week24 REST

    I would probably stick with what you layed out, but I did want to state an alternative way of running those compounds.

    Good luck.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I see bro thx a lot, looks like i am making my homework good

  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    You certainly are.

    All the best.


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