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  1. #1
    Towel is offline Associate Member
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    injecting protocol of IGF/MGF

    Let's say you want to run these compounds together. First shooting MGF and about an hour after that shoot the IGF. You should inject these PWO in the muscle you have trained in both sides. But what if you have trained more than 1 group of muscle which is always the case. I mean damn you cant go shooting 60mcg in every muscle you have trained right. It's going to cost a fortune....

    So what can you do about it? Maybe switch each week? Is that an option?
    Also how local is the effect of these compounds? For example if i want to do calve shots, if injected into the right muscle will the left muscle be targeted as well? Or if you inject into your outer muscle of the quad will the inner muscle of the quad be targeted as well?

  2. #2
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's more like you pick which specific muscle group you want to target. If I'm wanting to hit tri's, I hit each tri bi-laterally everyday. The next run I may hit biceps and I would do it the same way.

  3. #3
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    Doesnt mean you have to change your workouts just inject the muscles targeted most that day.The igf is supposed to bind to receptors that you just trained more than the rest of your body, but it will circulate everywhere.So injecting anywhere near the trained muscle as MajorPecs stated is fine.Your dosage is split between the 2 bi lateral muscles.So 30mcg in each bicep equals 60mcg total per day.
    Last edited by IntenseAthlete; 12-05-2007 at 02:07 PM.

  4. #4
    Towel is offline Associate Member
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    i see. thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    Doesnt mean you have to change your workouts just inject the muscles targeted most that day.The igf is supposed to bind to receptors that you just trained more than the rest of your body, but it will circulate everywhere.So injecting anywhere near the trained muscle as MajorPecs stated is fine.Your dosage is split between the 2 bi lateral muscles.So 30mcg in each bicep equals 60mcg total per day.
    ow thx about that i didint know that. I thought it was 60mcg each side

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Towel View Post
    i see. thanks

    ow thx about that i didint know that. I thought it was 60mcg each side
    That hows I do it, If your getting the entire amount in your body then it would be 120mcg total.Maybe Im wrong but thats what makes since to me.
    Is everyone else dosing the same?

  6. #6
    Towel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    That hows I do it, If your getting the entire amount in your body then it would be 120mcg total.Maybe Im wrong but thats what makes since to me.
    Is everyone else dosing the same?
    i just saw in a igf/mgf sticky where it says the dose should be 80-100mcg
    so 40-50mcg each side should be fine

  7. #7
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    I do 40mcg each side, so a total of 80mcg split bi-laterally among the muscle group that I want to target. You have got to remember there's no one specific way to do it, we just relate what our experience is and you have to tweak it for the best results.

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